Chapter 20: The Hospital

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Author's note: I had to find a way to get Madison out of the house before Taylor was ready, not my fave storyline but I was running out of ideas haha

The dining room was filled with the pleasant hum of satisfaction as they enjoyed Travis's dish. Taylor complimented him, "This is amazing, Travis. You weren't exaggerating about your skills!"

Madison nodded in agreement, her mouth full of pasta, "It's really good!"

Their laughter and chatter filled the room. Then suddenly, Madison turned pale. She clutched her throat, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps.

"What's wrong?" Taylor's eyes widened in alarm as her fork fell on the plate with a loud clank.

Madison tried to speak but only managed a wheeze, her face turning a frightening shade of red. Panic seized Taylor as she realized what was happening. "She's allergic to nuts! Travis, did the sauce have nuts?"

Travis's face lost color, "I... I used almond milk."

Without a second thought, Taylor scooped Madison into her arms, her heart pounding against her ribcage like a frantic drum. "We need to get her to the hospital, now!"

Travis grabbed his keys, and they rushed out of the apartment. The car ride was a blur of red lights and honking horns, Taylor's sobs filling the space. She held Madison tightly, but her mind was a whirlwind of guilt and fear.

"I'm so sorry baby," Taylor, who was guilt-ridden over forgetting to mention Madison's allergy, was crying hysterically. "I'm so sorry."

At the hospital, the emergency room was a frenzy of activity. Nurses and doctors swarmed around Madison, their movements precise and urgent. Taylor stood by, feeling helpless, tears streaming down her face. Travis tried to offer comfort, but Taylor was lost in her own world of terror and guilt.

"Why didn't I tell him about her allergy? How could I forget something so important?" Taylor berated herself, momentarily forgetting Travis was right next to her.

Travis put a hand on her shoulder, "Taylor, this isn't your fault."

But Taylor hardly heard him. Memories flooded her mind - the first time she hugged Madison at the Secret Sessions, their late-night talks, the way Madison's eyes lit up when she smiled. The thought of losing her was unbearable.

They soon moved the two to a waiting room. It was quiet, except for the occasional murmur of voices and the soft footsteps of nurses passing by. Taylor sat huddled in a corner, her eyes red and swollen from crying, her mind replaying the evening's events over and over. Travis sat beside her, his presence a silent pillar of support.

Travis reached out, taking Taylor's hand gently in his. "Taylor, you can't blame yourself for this. Accidents happen, and you did everything right as soon as you realized what was going on."

Taylor shook her head, her voice barely a whisper through her tears. "I should have remembered. I'm her guardian. How could I forget something so important? What if... what if we hadn't gotten her here in time?"

Travis squeezed her hand, his voice soft but firm. "But we did, Taylor. We did get her here in time. She's going to be okay because of your quick thinking. You can't punish yourself for an honest mistake."

"It doesn't feel like an honest mistake," Taylor sobbed. "It feels like I failed her when she needed me most."

Travis moved closer, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "You haven't failed her. You've been incredible with Madison since day one. This doesn't change that. She knows how much you love and care for her. That's what matters."

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