Chapter 33: Swimming Lessons

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Taylor, Travis, and Madison have been enjoying their holidays in Bora Bora. The sun was shining brightly, and the water at the hotel's swimming pool looked inviting. They changed into their swimwear, eager to enjoy a refreshing swim. Taylor's security team ensured their privacy from afar, but they didn't need to worry - Taylor and Travis both made sure that they were the only people there.

As they approached the pool, Madison hesitated at the edge, her feet dipping into the water, but she made no move to go further. Taylor, already in the water, noticed Madison's reluctance.

"Come on in, honey! The water's great," Taylor encouraged, splashing water playfully in Madison's direction.

Madison smiled weakly but remained rooted to the spot. "Um, I don't really know how to swim," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Taylor's expression immediately softened, "Oh babe, why didn't you tell me?"

Madison shrugged, shuffling her feet at the edge of the pool, "I didn't want to be a burden."

Taylor got serious, immediately exiting the pool. She sat at the edge and invited Madison to join her. "You're never a burden," she put her arm around her shoulders, "you're a child who's been through more than a lot of adults. And your happiness is my primary concern. We're family and we help each other, always."

Travis, who had been observing quietly, joined them at the pool's edge. "Absolutely. And hey, learning how to swim could be our next adventure together. You just happen to be looking at a pro swimmer here."

Madison giggled, "Who, Taylor?"

Taylor laughed and hugged her daughter, "Yeah, don't listen to him. Meanwhile, my form is near perfect, I'll have you know."

Travis raised his eyebrows, "Alright Miss Swift, I hope you know this means we'll have a race."

"Lessons first, race later," Taylor turned her attention back to Madison. "Want us to teach you how to swim?"

Madison, reassured by their supportive tones, nodded. "I'd like that. Thank you."

Under the bright sunshine, the impromptu swimming lesson began. Taylor and Travis, both excellent swimmers, were determined to make this a fun and memorable experience for Madison.

Taylor started by demonstrating how to float. "First, let's get comfortable in the water," she said, her tone encouraging. "I'll be right here with you."

Madison, taking a deep breath, allowed herself to lean back into the water, with Taylor supporting her. "That's it, just relax and let the water hold you," Taylor instructed, her hands steady and reassuring under Madison.

Travis floated nearby, cheering Madison on. "Look at you! You're a natural, Mads!"

Once Madison got the hang of floating, Taylor gently guided her through some basic strokes. "Now, let's try moving your arms like this," she demonstrated, making smooth, even strokes through the water.

Madison mimicked Taylor's movements, her initial awkwardness giving way to more fluid motions. Travis swam alongside her, offering tips and encouragement.

"You're doing great, Mads!" he called out. "Just like a fish in the water!"

Madison couldn't help but laugh, her earlier apprehension fading away. The pool echoed with their laughter and splashes as they continued the lesson, Taylor and Travis taking turns to guide and support Madison.

As the lesson progressed, Madison's confidence grew. With Taylor and Travis's patient and caring instruction, she began to swim short distances on her own. Every successful swim was met with claps and cheers from her makeshift coaches.

"Look at you go, Maddie!" Taylor exclaimed, clapping her hands. "You're swimming all by yourself!"

Madison beamed with pride, a sense of accomplishment filling her. "I did it! I really did it!"

As they wrapped up the swimming lesson, Madison felt a profound sense of gratitude towards Taylor and Travis. Not only had they taught her how to swim, but they had also turned it into a fun and uplifting experience.

After Madison's successful swimming lesson, the atmosphere around the pool was light and joyful. Feeling playful, Travis turned to Taylor with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "How about that race, Tay? Ready to get your ass kicked?"

Taylor, always up for a challenge, grinned back. "You're on, Trav!"

They positioned themselves at one end of the pool. Madison, wrapped in a towel, sat at the poolside, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Ready, set, go!" she shouted.

Taylor and Travis took off with a splash, both of them being equally competitive. They were neck and neck, each determined to reach the other end of the pool first.

In the heat of the moment, Madison called out, "Go, mom!" Her words caught Taylor off guard. It wasn't the first time she heard her say it, but it was always completely unexpected. She turned her head slightly, her heart warmed by Madison's cheer, a smile breaking across her face.

Seizing the opportunity, Travis sped up, reaching the end of the pool just a moment before Taylor. He turned, playfully blowing a raspberry at Taylor. "Looks like I win!"

"Yeah yeah, big guy, whatever," Taylor pulled him in a hug and gave him a kiss.

"Get a room!" Madison called out, and made fake gagging noises at them.

"Not a bad idea," Travis murmured in Taylor's ear, making her laugh. "Will she kill us if we hire a babysitter for an hour or two?"

"Probably," chuckled Taylor, wrapping her arms around him.

Eventually, Taylor pulled herself out of the pool, still smiling. "I may have lost the race, but hearing 'mom' from Madison is the best prize I could ask for."

Madison ran over to them, her laughter joining theirs. "That was so close! But I think Travis had an unfair advantage with that distraction."

Travis winked at Madison. "All's fair in love and war. And swimming races, I guess."

Taylor wrapped an arm around Madison, pulling her in for a wet hug. "Thank you, Maddie, for cheering for me. That means more than you know."

Madison hugged her back, "I'll always be your biggest fan, mom."

Travis, feigning a wounded expression, chimed in. "Hey, what about me? Don't I get some fan love too?"

Madison laughed, releasing Taylor and turning to Travis with an exaggerated bow. "Of course, how could I forget the undisputed swimming champ?"

Travis bowed theatrically, playing along. "Thank you, thank you. I'll be signing autographs later."

Taylor rolled her eyes playfully, handing Madison a towel. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Mr. Kelce. One pool victory doesn't make you Michael Phelps."

Madison giggled, joining in. "Yeah, Trav, I think you're still better at catching footballs than swimming."

Travis pretended to clutch his heart in mock hurt. "Ouch, Mads, that's harsh. But I guess I'll have to accept being just an NFL tight end instead of a swimming champion."

Taylor laughed, wrapping an arm around Travis. "You are a great tight end that's for sure. And you have an even better one too."

Travis grinned, "I'm very proud of my tight end thank you very much!"

The trio roared with laughter as they made their way back to the hotel, admitting their bond was stronger than ever.

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