Chapter 39: Family

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Author's note: okay we're back with some writing inspiration I think! Hope you like this one, I took a bunch of your suggestions and put them in one chapter :)

Later that evening, as Taylor got ready to leave for the event, she noticed Madison playing with her fingers and biting her nails more than usual. Her heart ached for the little girl and she wondered whether her previous outburst also had something to do with her separation anxiety. Taylor and Madison have worked on being separated and having Travis there helped - but she knew Madison was nervous about Taylor leaving.

"Baby, I'll be back before you know it. And Travis will be here with you."

Madison bit her lip, her eyes reflecting her unease. "I know, but I'll miss you. What if something happens?"

Taylor smiled softly, brushing Madison's hair back from her face. "Nothing's going to happen, sweetheart. And if you need anything, Travis will be right here. He's pretty awesome at the whole babysitting thing. You know, big strong man and all that."

Travis, overhearing the conversation, added with a grin, "Absolutely. We're going to have so much fun. Movie night, right, Mads?"

Madison managed a small smile. "Okay. Can we watch that new Marvel movie?"

"Your wish is my command," Travis replied, giving her a high-five. "The big strong man is here to protect you."

Taylor chuckled at Travis and gave Madison a tight hug. "You're going to have a great time. And I'll call to check in. I love you, baby."

"I love you too, mom," Madison said, hugging her back.

After Taylor left, Travis and Madison made themselves comfortable on the sofa, the popcorn bowl nestled between them. Travis turned to Madison with a serious yet warm expression.

"Hey Mads, I have something important I want to ask you," Travis began, his voice indicating the gravity of the question.

Madison looked up, her attention shifting from the movie to Travis. "What's up?"

Travis took a deep breath. "How would you feel if I asked Taylor to marry me?"

Madison blinked, taken aback by the question. After a moment, she asked, "Why do you need my permission?"

Travis smiled softly. "Well, because you're a huge part of our lives. You and Taylor, you're my family. I want to make sure you're okay with this, that it feels right for you too."

Madison's initial surprise turned into a warm smile. "I think that would be amazing. You make Taylor really happy, and you've been like a dad to me. I'd love it if you married her."

Travis's eyes glistened with unshed tears, touched by her approval. "Thank you, Mads. That means everything to me. You know, asking Taylor to marry me, it's not just about us, it's about becoming an official family, all three of us."

Madison leaned into Travis, hugging him tightly. "I think we already are a family. But this would make it even more special."

Travis hugged her back, feeling a profound sense of happiness and belonging. "I'm so glad you feel that way. And hey, I might need your help to plan the perfect proposal."

Madison giggled, excited at the prospect. "I've got lots of ideas. Taylor's going to be so surprised."

As they turned their attention back to the movie, the room was filled with a sense of anticipation and joy. In that moment, the bond between Travis and Madison deepened, united by their love for Taylor and the future they were planning to build together.

Everything was going fine until Madison started to itch her neck, her face growing red and puffy.

"Dad," Madison said, her voice laced with panic, "I don't feel so good."

Travis turned to her, his expression changing from relaxed to concerned in an instant. "What's wrong?"

Madison's breathing became labored, and she clutched at her throat. "I... I can't breathe properly..."

Travis sprang into action, his mind racing. Madison was having an allergic reaction. There was no time to guess why. "Hang on, Mads."

He found Madison's EpiPen in a drawer of the TV unit. Taylor decided to stash them randomly around the house in case they ever needed to use them. He returned to her side, finding her visibly scared, glancing at the EpiPen.

"Maddie, look at me," Travis said calmly, trying to soothe her as he prepared the EpiPen. "I know you're scared of the needle, but this is going to help you. You're incredibly brave, and I've got you."

Madison, tears streaming down her face, nodded, her trust in Travis evident despite her fear. She squeezed her eyes shut, gripping Travis's hand tightly.

With a gentle but firm touch, Travis administered the EpiPen to Madison's thigh. She let out a small cry, more from fear than pain, and Travis immediately wrapped her in his arms, comforting her as the medicine took effect.

"It's okay, Maddie. You're going to be okay. I've got you," he whispered, stroking her hair as her breathing slowly began to normalize.

Exhausted from the ordeal and the emotional turmoil, Madison cried herself to sleep in Travis's arms. He held her protectively, ensuring she felt safe and cared for. As she slept, he repeatedly checked whether or not her breathing was steady and normal. Without getting up from the sofa, he reached out for his phone and called 911, which immediately connected to Taylor's private doctor who was on his way.

"Hey Tay.... There's been an incident with Maddie," he began, trying to keep his tone calm. He knew Maddie was okay, but the moment still spooked him.

Taylor was immediately anxious. "What happened? Is she okay? I'm coming home right now."

Travis held the phone a bit tighter, trying to reassure her. "She had an allergic reaction, but I gave her the EpiPen. She's okay now, just sleeping. I called 911 and the doc is on his way. You don't need to come home, I've got it under control."

"But what if she needs a doctor? What if it happens again?" Taylor's voice was tinged with panic, her maternal instincts in full force.

"I'm watching her closely, I promise. And I'll take her to the hospital if anything changes," Travis said firmly. "She's safe with me and you deserve a fun night out."

Taylor took a deep breath, trying to process the information. "I feel like I should be there. She's my responsibility..."

Travis interrupted gently, "Tay, she's our responsibility. And right now, she needs one of us to be here, and the other to carry on. I've got this."

Taylor's voice softened, the sound of restrained tears clear. "Okay. Thank you for being there. Tell her... tell her I love her so much."

"I will. And babe, she's strong. Just like her mom," Travis added, trying to offer some comfort.

"So when is an acceptable time to come home then?" Taylor tried to lift the mood. However, Travis knew she was absolutely terrified.

Travis chuckled, "whenever you want, babe. I don't own you. But I thought you should know you don't have to do these things on your own anymore. I got you. Both of you."

The knock on the door announced the doctor's arrival - Travis buzzed him in, with Taylor still on the phone.

Taylor's voice seemed to have found more composure, "okay. I'll leave in an hour. That okay? And call me as soon as the doctor leaves please!"

Travis nodded, proud of hearing her fighting her own anxiety, "Sounds good to me. We'll be waiting for you. And I hope the little girlie will be all cleared by then."

"I hope so too. And Trav?" Taylor paused, "Thank you for being a good dad to her."

Travis smiled as the two said their goodbyes and I-love-yous. He held Madison's hand as the doctor examined her. He enjoyed being the protector, providing a source of comfort and safety for both, Madison and Taylor. Although he knew Taylor was more than capable of taking care of herself, he hoped that his presence offered her even more confidence, especially when it comes to taking care of the child he now practically considered his own. He was a dad - while maybe not by blood, he showed so by his actions.

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