Chapter 30: TikTok Videos

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Author's note: This one's a bit rough, I'm struggling to find motivation so hopefully my writing mojo returns soon :) 

One quiet afternoon, Madison found herself scrolling through her old TikTok videos, a nostalgic smile on her face. Each video was a snapshot of different moments of her life, filled with laughter, silliness, and the carefree spirit of her younger self.

As she continued to scroll, her heart suddenly skipped a beat. There, on the screen, were videos she hadn't watched in a long time – videos of her and her mom. They were dancing together, their movements full of joy and energy. Each video was set to one of Taylor's songs, a poignant reminder of the connection she had with Taylor long before she met her.

Madison's smile faltered as a wave of emotion washed over her. She watched, mesmerized, as on the screen, her younger self twirled and laughed with her mom. The videos were full of life, full of the love that only a mother and daughter could share.

A single tear rolled down Madison's cheek as she was transported back to those moments. The laughter, the music, and the warmth of her mother's embrace felt so vivid, so real, as if she could just reach out and be back in that time again.

Madison hugged her phone to her chest, closing her eyes as she tried to imprint the feeling of those memories deep into her heart. The videos were a precious link to her past, a past filled with love and happiness that she thought she had lost. They were a reminder that even though her mom was gone, the love they shared was still very much alive in her heart.

As she opened her eyes, Madison felt a deep sense of gratitude for those moments captured in time. She realized that while she couldn't bring back the past, she could cherish and honor those memories by living her life with the same joy and love.

Only then did she notice that Taylor sat next to her, carefully watching her as she allowed her to process her emotions.

"You okay, baby?" Taylor gently asked, touching Madison's hand.

Madison sniffled, snuggling closer to Taylor. She showed her phone and opened TikTok, clicking on one of the videos she made with her mom to Taylor's 'All Too Well' song. It had one million views.

Taylor smiled, leaning her head on Madison's head, "I remember seeing these. I thought you guys were so sweet, I just had to invite you to Secret Sessions."

"I didn't know if I should go.. without her," Madison said softly, still staring at her mom on screen.

"I'm glad you did, lovebug. What happened was a tragedy, but it brought me to you," Taylor was trying to control her own tears.

Madison snuggled up even closer, hiding her face in Taylor's shoulder, "I just.. I just wish I could still make these videos. I know you said no social media. And I understand why. But.. I just wish..."

Taylor sighed. When Madison first came to the house, Taylor asked her, on behalf of Tree, to stop posting videos on TikTok. Once she was adopted, Taylor put parental controls on her social media to make sure Madison doesn't see the negativity. But now that the secret was out, Taylor saw no reason to stop the girl from doing what she once loved to do.

"Maybe we can make an exception," she smiled, looking down at Madison.

Madison's face lit up, "you mean it?"

"Absolutely," Taylor nodded, sitting up straight, "should we get Travis involved too? You know how much he loves to dance."

Madison giggled, "He's got some pretty decent moves if you put a football helmet on him."

"Hey, I heard that!" Yelled Travis from another room, making them both die of laughter.

The trio gathered in the living room. First, Madison made a short video explaining her absence from TikTok.

"Hey guys," she nervously said to the camera lens on her phone, "erm, so you're probably wondering what happened to this channel and why I haven't posted anything in so long."

Madison took a deep breath, "the truth is, my mom passed away in a car accident last year. She... she was my best friend. I never knew my dad - he wasn't in the picture even when I was born. Please stop asking about him. And when my mom died.... Well, I became an orphan. But because of this channel, I had an invitation to Taylor's Secret Sessions. I had an allergic reaction to one of Taylor's cookies and after she saw that no one came to the hospital to get me, she decided to take care of me."

Madison looked at Taylor and Travis, who were proudly watching her from the side, "I've decided to start making videos again. To show you my life now. I hope you can appreciate it."

Taylor nodded encouragingly as Madison looked at her before she pressed 'post'. The video went up and Madison finally exhaled.

"Alright girlie," Travis clapped, "it's time to show off my dance moves."

Madison's giggles filled the room as she, Taylor, and Travis embarked on their impromptu TikTok marathon. They went through various trending sounds, each one inspiring a new, more hilarious video. Whether it was a dance challenge or a comedic skit, they threw themselves into it with complete enthusiasm.

As they filmed, Madison's initial nervousness melted away, replaced by a sense of freedom and happiness. With each video, she found herself more at ease, effortlessly bridging the gap between her past and her present. The laughter and lightheartedness in the room seemed to heal some of the pain she had been carrying.

By the end of their TikTok session, the three of them were practically dying from laughter. Madison looked at Taylor and Travis, her heart swelling with gratitude. "This was the best day ever. Thank you."

Taylor, wiping away tears of laughter, smiled at Madison. "We should do this more often. It's a way of keeping those beautiful memories alive and creating new ones together."

Travis nodded in agreement, "Absolutely, and next time, I'll bring my A-game with even better dance moves."

Madison laughed, feeling a sense of contentment and belonging. The videos they made were more than just silly little TikTok posts - they were symbols of her journey, of the love she had known and the new love she had found and managed to embrace. 

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