Chapter 23: Getting Ready

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Author's note: Somethin cute and wholesome for a change :) 

The morning light filtered through the curtains of the dining room where Taylor and Madison were having a quiet breakfast. The phone rang, breaking the peaceful silence, and Taylor smiled as she saw Travis's name on the screen. She answered and put on the speakerphone so Madison could hear.

"Hey, Travis," Taylor greeted, her voice carrying a hint of warmth.

"Good morning! How are my favorite Swift girlies doing today?" Travis's voice came through the speaker, upbeat and cheerful.

Madison's face lit up at the sound of Travis's voice. "We're doing okay. Taylor slept in my bed last night."

Taylor playfully rolled her eyes. 

"Did she now?" Travis replied, amused. "Did you steal all the blankets in the middle of the night?"

"You bet I did," Madison giggled.

"Hey, I've got an idea," Travis said, a note of excitement in his voice. "How about you two come to watch me play at the Chiefs game this weekend? I can get us a private booth, so it'll be comfortable and away from the crowd."

Taylor hesitated, the thought of stepping into a public event making her anxious. "I don't know, Trav. After everything that's happened..."

Madison, however, was already captivated by the idea. "Come on, Tay, it sounds like fun! I'd love to see Travis get his ass kicked on the field!" she exclaimed, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Madison!" Taylor said, a mix of amusement and surprise in her tone. "Language, please!"

Travis laughed heartily on the other end. "I'll have you know, Madison, I don't get my ass kicked. I do the kicking. But hey, no promises about not getting tackled a few times."

Madison giggled, clearly enjoying the banter. "Well, I still want to see it. Please, Taylor? It'll be fun, and we'll be safe in the booth."

Taylor looked at Madison's eager face. "Okay, okay. If Travis promises it's going to be safe and private, we can go."

"I promise. You have my word," Travis assured her earnestly. "It'll be a great way for you guys to relax. Plus, I'll be showing off my impressive football skills."

"Alright, we'll be your cheering squad. But you better not let us down," Taylor said, a playful tone creeping into her voice.

"Never," Travis replied, the smile evident in his voice. "I'll send over the details. Looking forward to it!"

The weekend arrived with a sense of anticipation in the air. As Taylor and Madison prepared for the Chiefs game, there was a buzz of excitement, a welcome diversion from the recent upheaval. Madison watched with wide-eyed fascination as Taylor got ready, her curiosity piqued by the array of makeup laid out on the table.

"Can I wear makeup too?" Madison asked, her voice tinged with hopefulness.

Taylor turned to Madison, her expression a mix of amusement and firmness. "Absolutely not," she replied, applying a touch of mascara.

Madison furrowed her brow, a question forming in her mind. "So why do you do it then?

Taylor paused, considering her response. "Well, for me, it's like a little bit of art. It's fun to play with colors and styles, but it's not something you need, especially at your age. Makeup isn't what makes someone beautiful. It's just a way to express yourself."

Madison pondered Taylor's words, her gaze drifting back to the makeup. "But it looks like fun," she insisted gently.

Seeing the longing in Madison's eyes, Taylor relented with a smile. "Okay, how about this? We can do a very light, fun makeup for you – just for today."

Madison's face lit up with joy. "Yay! Thank you!"

As they sat together, Taylor showed Madison how to apply a subtle hint of blush and a dab of lip gloss. The moment was more than just about makeup; it was a bonding experience, a mother-daughter moment filled with laughter and shared secrets.

"See, just a little goes a long way," Taylor said, stepping back to admire their work. Madison looked in the mirror, her smile showing a mix of happiness and newfound confidence.

"You look beautiful. But remember, you're always beautiful, with or without makeup," Taylor reminded her, her heart swelling with affection.

Madison beamed, "I feel like a princess."

Taylor grinned and pulled her in a hug, "You're my princess!"

"Does this make you a queen?" Madison challenged Taylor, who chuckled at the question.

"I guess all we need now is to find our king!" Taylor participated, grabbing Madison's hand and spinning her around.

"Heard he's at the Chiefs game!" Both of them giggled.

Just as they were about to step out, Taylor paused, turning to Madison.

"Got your EpiPen?" she asked, one hand on the doorknob.

Madison, eager to get going, nodded confidently. "Yes."

"Oh yeah? Where is it?" Taylor prodded, seeing the EpiPen on the kitchen counter.

"In my purse, I put it in earlier," Madison replied, her tone casual, almost dismissive.

Taylor raised an eyebrow. "Check again," she urged her voice firm yet gentle.

Madison rolled her eyes, a hint of a teenager's exasperation in her voice. "I don't need to, I know it's there."

Taylor, unyielding, gave her a playful yet stern look. "Just do it, please. Humor me."

With a dramatic sigh, Madison opened her small, stylish bag and began rummaging through it. Her confidence dwindled as she realized the EpiPen was not where she thought it was. "Uh... I can't find it."

Taylor, trying not to smile at Madison's realization, walked over to the kitchen counter. She picked up the EpiPen and slipped it into her own bag. "Alright, we can go now."

"Why do you always have to be right?" Madison playfully sighed as she followed her out the door.

"'Cause I'm the responsible adult," Taylor replied, trying to convince more herself than Madison.

Madison rolls her eyes, "Sounds boring."

Taylor giggled, "It is. But it brought me to you, so I can't complain too much. Now, let's go have some fun!" 

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