His Queen Her King part 1

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Queen Pov
So whats up yall my name is Queen im mixed with white and black long hair with a nice body im from Miami but im currently moved to Atlanta with my boyfriend Keyshawn my love of my life been together since middle school he makes me so happy but anyways let me tell yall my story

Beep beep beep!!.. I hear my alarm going off letting me know its time for me to get up and go to school think god this is my last year i thought.

"Shit i hate going to school"i said trying to make myself get out of bed looked over to see my husband asleep so had to take a quick pic look so sexy.

"Keyshawn baby wake up time for school get up"i said while he twisting and turn than finally shot up rubbing his eyes.
"Good my beautiful queen"kissing me on my cheek
"Good morning babes come on lets go shower nd get ready for school before we late"we both got up and took a shower within 20min we both got out im in my closet looking what to wear while he is in his closest doing the same.
So after 4 minutes of looking i decided to wear my high waisted jeans with my white crop top and my white flip flops keeping it simple today after i put my clothes on i just put my hair in a high ponytail nd no makeup today don't feel like being extra today i was done getting dressed so i went downstairs to wait on my bae.
2Minutes he came down kinda matching me with his light blue tru religion jeans nd his white T with his white fresh shoes so we left out the door within 30 minutes we pulled up to DGA high school (made up) hand in hand of course we got haten hoes looking but i don't care we both reach our lockers took what we needed nd went different ways but not before he gave me a juicy ass kiss.

"Bye baby girl see you at lunch i love you"he say as he kissed me.
"iight babes i love you too"with that being said i went to my first class Mr.Mark math ughh hate that class.

As i walk in the class room i see my girls Gigi,Jhene,Bri,shyla and some new girl with my clique so i went over to sit with them.
"Hey y'all"i said wit a smile looking at them i love my bitchs been down since i moved out here.
"Hey boo boo"they all said aspect the new chick.
"Um hi im queen and who are you"i said with a warm smile.
"Oh shit my bad queen this is my cousin she new here she just moved her from Chicago queen this is Taylor"Gigi said introducing her cousin.
"Oh okay hi Taylor welcome to Atlanta"i said as i gave her a hug.
"Thanks she said"giving me a hug back.
Mr.Mark came in class telling us to get ready to learn blah blah blah god i hate this man he be doing to much to be a teacher trying to be cool wit us like nigga sit ur ass down wit that.
*******skipping to lunch********
So we at lunch sitting at the table we always sit at we all laughing and talking and shit talking up the updates in this hell of a school.
"So Taylor how old are u"i asked eating my chips waiting for her answer.
"18 finally"she said laughing.
"Girl i hear u on that"laughing back at her comment so we talking i like her so far she seem cool.
"Queen here comes ur bae and his friends"Shyla said smiling cause she likes one of his boys.

"Baby girl"as my baby said kissin my lips makin me smile.
"Hey babes"kissing him back.
"Yo who is this cutie"Keyshawn friend Jason asked while looking at her.
"Oh yall this is Gigi's cousin Taylor"i said introducing her to my boyfriend nd his friends they all welcomed her into the clique she seemed to like everyone.
The bell rings letting us know its time to go back to class me nd my clique nd my baby clique went different ways to get this day over with lord i can't wait for the end of the day.

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