Busted nigga what a shame

21 1 0

Hey y'all my name is Gigi im white mixed with black long hair nice body nice eyes im 18 i have a bad ass temper but i don't care so don't fuck with me.

Anyways im up getting ready to meet up with my girls nd queen's boo friends to talk about this party we planned for tonight its going be the shit but let me go wake up tete so she can get ready i love my cousin but i swear she take forever to get ready

"Yo tete get up we got to meet every body to talk bout the party tonight"i say throwing a pillow at her nd pulling her leg.

"iight damn G im up get out"she say while getting out the bed heading to the bathroom that's in her room.

So i went back into my room to see a text from Shyla telling me to get my white ass dressed and be ready in an hour i swear thats my bitch but she crazy as hell so with that being said i went into the shower to get ready.

When i got out the shower i put on
My all white jumper nd my white sandals i let my hair be wild nd crazy for today i decided to not wear make up today so i put on my diamond studs and my gold necklace and went down stairs to wait on my cousin

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