something good something bad

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Gigi POV

So after talking to keyshawn I decided to try to help him out but I need to talk to my girl first my loyalty is always with her first so I know her and Jason are back in town so im text her to have a girl day so we can catch up.

**Phone call mode**
Q:"heyy bitch I was just about to call you to see if u wanna hang out today"she says sounding so happy as always.
Me:"yes bitch u know it meet me at the mall at forever21 in an hour"trying to sound happy.
Q:"okay bye boo"

With that being said I went in the shower for 30mins came out put on my maxi dress and red sandles and let my hair out and put on nude make up after that I went down stairs got my keys and got in my car handing to the mall lord this traffic.

Queen POV

So me and Jason got back into town we was laying down in the bed watching Martin when my boo boo called so we plans meeting up at the mall so I got into the shower doing my thing when I all of sudden I throw up I don't know what that was about but I finished washing up got out threw on my maxi dress and black sandles no make up or nun I put my hair into a slick ponytail I kissed babe got in my car and now I'm heading to the mall.

Within 30 minutes I got to the mall I parked my car and made my way into the mall of course I had niggas look at me but I don't care to pay attention so I got into forever21 I see my boo boo so I walked behind her and grabbed her ass and kissed her neck of course she knew it was me cause I only do that to her.

"Girl u better stop u know I like that freaky shit"she says turning around.

"I know u do crazy ass anyways girl I missed u"I say while giving her a hug.

"I missed u too but I'm hungry I didn't eat this morning lets go to the food court"I said nervous cause I really need to talk to her.

"Okay cool"we walked to the food court I got subway since my stomach not feeling all that well and gigi got Chinese we sat down and started talking.

"Gigi u ok u acting kinda funny what's wrong"I asked.

"Well ok I have to tell u something...keyshawn called me yesterday to talk so I went over to his house and started telling me how he wants u back and he loves u and he sorry"she says looking at me with sorry eyes.

"Wow but he can keep that sorry ass shit he the one that fucked up so fuck him and u my friend u should even went over there in the first place"

"I know I'm sorry sis just him out"I can't believe what I'm hearing from this girl my own my best friend.

"I'm go home im starting not to feel good I'll call u later"with that being said I left before she could say anything I got in my car within 30 minutes I was home I walked in seeing bae cooking dinner.

"Hey baby what u in here cooking"I said coming in the kitchen wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Shrimp pasta ur favorite"he knews that's my favorite thing to eat.

"It looks amazing I can't wait to eat it i been so hungry lately"I said sitting at the table.

"So baby I think we should have kids"he says taking a sip from his glass of wine.

"We haven't even been together that long and im not sure if I'm even ready to have a child can we just wait"I said looking deep into his eyes.

"Yeah whatever"he says walking up stairs slamming the door. So I got up from the table to check to see what the hell that was all about.

"So that was kind of childish of u to get up and walk away from an adult conversation what's the deal with u"I said sitting on the bed while he looking out the window.

"You is what's the deal with me it was okay when u had gotten pregnant by that fuck Nigga but can't have on by me"he says yelling at me like I'm some little child I'm not having that shit.

"Ok u need to slow ur roll and first of all u knew he was my first and for u to be even bringing up that shit knowing I'm still hurt about losing my child so fuck u for being so selfish"I yelled back looking at him like he lost his damn mind.

"Fuck me u going sit here and say some shit like that when I'm the one that let u cry on my shoulder u are so ungrateful now I know why he cheated on ur ass u are selfish bitch"he says getting in my face pushing me up the wall gripping my wrist tight.

"Stop Jason u are hurting me move"I said pushing him back but bad mistake he slapped me so hard to the point I fall on the floor seeing blood come out my mouth.

"Fuck u Jason u said u never hit me or any woman"I said holding my face.

"I lied u see what happens when u piss me off now take ur ass in the bathroom take a shower and come get ur ass in this fucking bed"he says looking at me with dark eyes that used to be brown.

I didn't wanna make him even more mad so I did what I was told I took a 10 minute shower came out and put on my long T-shirt and got in the bed laying next to him feels so cold that I hate so much so I laid there crying until I fall asleep.

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