Will it be...Can it be

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Jason Pov

So as i can see Keyshawn fucked up with Queen told his ass end it with the hoe Mimi long time ago but no instead of listening to me he got his ass caught up now its mine turn to step up to queen to show her i can love her way better than he did.

So currently Me nd Queen in my car on the way to the park so we can talk by the looks of things she needs someone to talk to so why not be me.

Within 30 minutes we pulled up to the the park we sat on the swing sets sat there in silent until she mumbled something

"What u say Q"i say looking at her for answer hoping she will repeat it.

"I said how can he do this to me J i been rockin with his for 3 years"she says with tears coming out of her eyes.

"Look queen its obvious u didn't do nothing wrong he is an ass hole that didn't knows whats good right in front of you u can get any guy u want"i say to her being completely honest with her.

"You think so"she says with an nigga yea right look on her face.

"Queen look at you ur beautiful smart u have a good head on ur shoulders any guy would have u"i say too her while looking deep into her eyes trying to hind my smile from her.

"Please who would want me obviously not any body if i just got cheated on for no reason"

"Would if i said i want you and show you everything he didn't"say with all seriousness and hoping she will open up her heart to me.

"Jayson what are u talking about"she ask looking unsure if she wants to hear what i got to say.

"Look queen i got feelings for always had feelings for you even though Keyshawn is my nigga i couldn't stop thinking about you i mean why u think i always wanted to be around you or always wanna talk to you.... You mean the world to me all i wanna do is love you take care for you and be loyal to you"as im pouring out my heart to the love of my life i can see she is thinking hard about everything i just said to her.

"Jayson u mean the world to me too i can't believe u never told me this before"

"I wanted too but like i said Keyshawn is my nigga i couldn't do that to him... You can stay over my place for as long as you need too i know you don't wanna go back to the house"hoping she would say yes to my offer.

"Yess thank you so much and u right i didn't wanna go back but lets go i wanna lay down"


So we left the park within 30 minutes we pulled up to my house i helped her out my car we walked in the house she knows my house to well so she knows where she going but instead of the guest room she went to mines.

"Can i sleep in here with you jay please"she asked with her lips pookin out a lil.

"Yeah... You can lay on my chest cause i know you going do it anyways"i say cause its true for some reason that's the only why to get her to sleep.

"Okay goodnight jay"

"Good night Q"

As soon as i said that i can she fall asleep cause she wrapped her legs in mines that's another way u can tell she sleep or sleepy but i love it im make this girl mine even if it kills me just watch

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