Busted nigga

21 1 0

Shyla Pov
Hey y'all im shyla im 18 of course y'all know Queen my bitch even tho she crazy but im Jamaican with dreads slim body but nice size brown eyes nd a bad ass attitude do fuck with me anyways let me tell y'all what i saw last night smh head niggs....

*******flash back*******
Last night sitting on the porch smoking a blunt cause my moms be bitchn about me smoking in the house or whatever so im smoking while im on the phone with Gigi.
Phone convo:
"Girl Gigi this party we goin through is goin be the the shit"i say blowin out some O's .
"Yess bitch we goin turn the fuck up"knowing her ass she twerkin in her damn bed.
Well she doin that i see i car pull into to the thot of my school driveway this bitch stay having niggas coming thru her house so the dude got out of the car and i can't believe who steps out the car oh hell naw Keyshawn ass.
"Yo Gigi girl i'll talk to u in the morning moms callin me in the house"i say while looking at this nigga watching his every move.
"iight boo night"as soon as we ended the call i pulled up my camera app nd started taking pics off his sneaky ass

********Flash back over*********
Just remembering what i saw last night making me mad all over again can't believe his liein cheating ass
Anyways let me push this to the back of my head cause i got to get ready to meet up wit the clique to plan for this party later on tonight turn the fuck up.

I took a 20min shower came out and put on my black bandage shorts nd my white boss crop top shirt and my white gucci flip flops. Than put my dreads into a high bun nd than my make up soon i was done i grab my phone nd keys nd texted Gigi telling her im on my way to pick up her nd tete(Taylor).

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