The Morning After

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Queen Pov

Waking up this morning is something i really don't wanna do because of every thing that went down last night like last night was crazy it went from finding out the love of my life cheated on me to my bestfriend telling me that he is in love with me smh.

Anyways im currently in the bathroom taking a shower letting the warm water hit body waking me up a lil bit well im in the shower i hear the toilet flush.

"Omg really Jason u couldn't wait until i got out the water turned cold"i say damn near freezing my ass off in this damn water.

"Oh my bad Q i didn't mean too im sorry"he says.

"It's okay just don't do it again know had me my towel"

He hands me my towel i wrapped it around my body stepped out the shower with my wet ass hair i went over to the sink to brush my teeth but i noticed Jason was looking me up nd down so i decided to tease him a lil with my body movement i guess its working cause i heard him say something.

"Wat u say Jason"

"Umm...nun just thinking out loud"he says while looking at my thigh that was poking out.

"Mhm if u got something to say just say it"i said while im still brushing my teeth.

"What i said was i wouldn't tease me if i was you the more you tease me is the more i want u"he says whispering low in sexy in my ear making me get wet as hell.

So after me looking at my self in the mirror i went into the room going into my bag that shyla brought over last night i decided to put on my black pencil skirt and white tank top and let my hair be wild nd messy today dont feel like doing nun to it. I went downstairs to see Jason playing the game so i went to join him.

"Jay im board let's go do something"i say hoping he will say okay.

"iight come on i have the perfect place to take you"he says showing off his dimples i couldn't help but smile hard.

So we in his car riding bumpin some Fetty wap i swear we been in this car for some hours but when we got to where he was taken me i couldn't believe my eyes......

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