sorry to late

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Keyshawn POV

Damn how can I let a good girl go queen was such a good women to me and I just had to go ahead and fuck it up I really love her that couple of times with Mimi didn't mean anything to me I have to think of away to get queen back.

I been out of it for the last couple of days cause of the shit that went down don't get me wrong yeah I been fucking bitchs from time to time but im not happy with out queen in my arms damn I hate myself for that.

"Baby come back to bed"Mimi said breaking me out of my thoughts and yeah I kno what y'all thinking right now.

"Yo you need to get out of my bed I got shit to do" I said to her while throwing her clothes at her.

"Oh really that's how u feel please tell me u still not tripping over that bitch move on from her it's obvious she don't want u" she says while putting on cloths what she just said makes me wanna punch her ass but i cant cause she carring my seed.

"What did I tell u about talking about her know ur damn place Mimi maybe if stop worrying about her and worry about ur self maybe I just make u my main but until than u need to shut the fuck up do u understand me"I say getting in her face to make her kno I'm not playing with her ass.

"Okay damn I'm sorry and by the way my next doctors appointment is next week"she says while walking out my front door.

After she left I sat down thinking of ways to get her back so why not call on of her friends so I called Gigi she picked up on the third ring.

"What the fuck do u want Nigga"she yells through the phone I knew this was not going be easy.

"Gigi i know you mad at me and I know u are on her side I made a big mistake I really want her to see that I want her I want to ask her to marry me.I say in all one breath.

"She going kill me for this but me and her going to the beach this Friday be there around 2 but I got to go and oh keyshawn don't make me regret helping you"

"Thank you gigi and I won't" I said hanging up the phone.yes I'm bout to get my girl back now its time to go pick up the ring than after that go find what I'm wear.

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