All hell broke lose

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Queen Pov

So me and girls are getting it to rihanna bitch better have my money we was killing every verse but i noticed Gigi wasn't with us to i let my eyes go around the room than i see Keyshawn and Gigi going at it than i see him slapped my Bestfriend thats when i had to step in that shit.

"Keyshawn what the fuck is wrong with u are you drunk or something why u slapped her"i asked while helping my bestfriend up from the ground.

"So Keyshawn are you going to tell her or do i got to do it fuck nigga"she says looking mad as fuck.

Im hoping its nothing bad cause i been rockin with for 3 years if he had fucked around on me i would be really heartbroken if that was going down behind my back.

"So since you not going tell her i will....queen Keyshawn cheated on you with Mimi"she says with an im sorry look on her face.By now every one at the party looking at us looking shocked as fuck cause everyone knows how i feel about him.

"No man she lying she trying to get you mad"he says for some reason i wanna believe him but back in my head i know Gigi wouldn't lie to me.

"Nigga u lying me and you just had sex upstairs in yall bed room"Mimi says with a smirk on her face that im bout to smack off in a few minutes.

As soon as Mimi said that my hand was wrapped around her hair pulling that hoe to the ground punching the shit out of this hoe but next thing i know this hoe friend come nd pulled my hair so you know all my girls came over so we started whipping ass in that bitch but i guess it was getting to crazy cause i feel hands on me pulling me off and of course it was Keyshawns fuck ass so i slapped him and ran outside to get some air when i see Jason come after me telling me to get in the car so we can talk really don't feel like but whatever.

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