why u nervous

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Queen pov

So every body wanted to meet up at the Chinese buffet restaurant to talk about the party for later on tonight so me nd bae are on the way there we bumbin to future commas this my shit while im rolling up a blunt bout to spark it up.soon as i did that we was high as fuck and we bout to pull up to the Chinese buffet restaurant we bout to eat like its no tomorrow.

When we got there we see everybody
Some sitting at the table and some fixing there plates so me and bae went to the table and said hey to everyone than fixing our plates.

So we done fixing plates nd shit we eating nd talking about the party we throwin tonight every body goin be there of course why the fuck not.

Me:"so every body yall be at my house by 4 so we can finish setting up nd everybody can get dressed at my house"i said wit a full mouth of food.

All:"iight cool"they all respond without lookin up from there food we all must be high cause we bustin down on this Chinese food.

Anyways im bout to get up nd go get me some more food a bitch is hungry as hell.so i went back to the table to see Gigi,Shyla missing so i asked baes friend Jason where they at.

"Jason where G and Shy go"looking at him for answers.
"They went to the bathroom shit i got to go to which my food"
"Iigt nigga"i said still eating my food man this shit is good.

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