Interlude #2 (Edo Period)

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-The following is a written report by ██████ ██████-

In a sparsely furnished room, that bore witness to countless meetings before this one. The man sat formally, his posture rigid, an indigo-dyed kimono differing from the elaborate floral patterns of the woman's attire.

"So, tell me of the Gojo and Zenin conflict," the woman's voice was straightforward, brush in hand, hanshi on floor—her eyes intent on capturing every detail.

He shifted, "The Gojo clan seek to expand, their greed as deep as the ocean," he said flatly. "The Zenin however, protect their lands with fierce loyalty. War seems the only language these clans speak now."

She nodded, jotting down notes.

"You speak of war as an inevitable force, but is there a particular incident that has ignited this fierce urgency between the Gojo and Zenin?" she probed.

"An incident, yes. A tragedy that has become the war cry for the Zenin. The Gojo, in their arrogance, crossed borders not with the intent to negotiate but to demonstrate power."

"Go on."

"A daughter of the Zenin clan was slain, not a warrior, but a girl of sixteen summers."

"And the Gojo clan? How do they justify such an act?"

"They claim it was an accident, a misfired arrow during a demonstration of skill. But the peace that had been hanging by a thread is now severed," he said, rubbing his neck.

"So now the Zenin want blood for blood," she stated, a matter of fact.

"Yes, they want blood," he confirmed. "Yet the Gojo clan, are boarding up their homes, sharpening their swords, talking about honor. But what honor is there in killing a girl who's only weapon was a fan?"

"Could I ask a name?"

"Yeah," he replied, a shadow passing over his face. "Sugimura. That was her name."

"What do you think will happen?"

"How well versed are you in Jujutsu?"

"Only the basics."

"The Gojo clan has power, I won't deny that. It's likely the reason they act as though consequences don't exist."

"Are you saying they'd win the war?"

"If it wasn't for the 10 Shadows."

"Excuse me?"

"I won't bore you with the details. Just know that I fully believe, that if the Gojo clan and the Zenin clan heads fought—they'd both die." 

"....Thank you, I believe I've written enough documentation—I really appreciate you taking time out of your day for this."

"It's my pleasure." The man went to stand up.

"I-If it isn't too strange of a request might I ask one more question?"


"I've been wondering since you first arrived, but..."

"You don't have to be afraid, I'll answer whatever question you might have."

"Then...what's that scar on your forehead?"

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