The ACTUAL Beginning (Chapter 4)

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The transition from unconsciousness to a disoriented wakefulness was abrupt for Y/n. The initial softness of his eyelids fluttering open gave way to the sharp realization that he was in unfamiliar territory.

The cold, sterile smell of the room hit Y/n's nostrils first, causing his head to throb with a dull ache. The walls, ceiling, even the floor, were covered in some kind of paper that pulsed softly with a yellowish light. The patterns on the papers were intricate, curling and swirling, forming symbols that Y/n couldn't recognize but instinctively knew held power.

They'd been seals. Probably for him.

As his eyes adjusted, they landed on the center of the room. An ornate wooden chair with deep, richly stained legs was positioned in front of him. But what truly captured Y/n's attention was the man sitting gracefully on the chair, his hands resting on the backrest, fingers tapping away. It was a posture of someone fully in control.

Gojo Satoru.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Gojo said, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "Had a good nap?" He sounded way too casual for someone in a room that felt like the inside of a psychedelic snow globe.

Y/n's throat was parched. "Where am I?"

"That," Gojo tilted his head, considering Y/n with amusement, "is a very good question. But you'll get your answer when I get mine first."

"What do you want?" Y/n managed to croak out.

Gojo leaned forward, placing a finger against his lips, "What do I want? Straight to the point, huh? Nice. But you see, my question is more about what you want?"

Gojo pulled off his blindfold, revealing those ever-beautiful eyes of his. "Why did you really come here? This isn't exactly a tourist hotspot. Hell, you even came with others, right?"

"Huh?" Y/n's eyebrow raised.

"Was there some confusion with what I said?" Gojo leaned in even closer.

"No, I mean... I-I told that doctor I was forced? Didn't she-"

Gojo waved a dismissive hand. "Shoko isn't the one sitting with you now, is she? I want to hear it from YOU."

I'm in deep shit now...

Y/n went to rub his neck, but he froze instead, the world around him blurring for a moment. He quickly glanced down at himself met with the sight of his own body - whole, untouched, exactly as he remembered it.

His fingers trembled as he touched his face, almost expecting it to be gone again. But it didn't. How could he have missed it? How had he not realized sooner?

On his body was a completely different set of clothes then prior worn; a grungy t-shirt, and jeans that probably hadn't been in style since the '90s. The thought of Shoko rummaging in a thrift shop was almost laughable, but the idea of her changing him into them? Slightly unsettling.

"Seems you're fully awake now. So I'll ask again. Why did you come here?"

"They took my sister. I was just trying to protect her..."

"Well you certainly didn't accomplish that."

"What else was I supposed to do!?"

"Where were you when they took her?"


Gojo, slowly with an exaggerated carelessness, reached into the pocket of his uniform and pulled out a card. As he turned it over between his long fingers, Y/n recognized it as his School ID.

"Y/n Utsuwa," he read aloud, the smirk in his voice clear. His eyes flitted up to meet Y/n's, who was trying his best to maintain an indifferent facade. "That's an interesting name. Got a ring to it. Tell me, what's your sister called?"

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