Aftermath (Chapter 3)

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"I swear, cross my heart and hope to die~"

Y/n's thoughts reverberated through the hollow spaces of his mind, a whisper of words once spoken. Who had uttered them? Why did they sting so sharply? And why did he feel this sense of rage bubbling up inside him ready to burst?

He clenched his fists. But something was wrong. The very instruments of that anger—his fists—were strangely absent.

Not just his fists, Y/n realized with a creeping fear. His entire body felt foreign. It was as if it's very structure had dissolved. Legs, arms, eyes, ears—all gone.

A scream built within him, or maybe it was already out and about? He didn't know.

Time felt elusive—were minutes passing? Hours? Maybe even days.

Suffocating in this intangible prison, Y/n grappled with despair. Every thought turned to muddled mush. It was an horrifying cycle of torment for him, broken only by the realization that even the rhythm of his breath was faltering.


Suddenly, Y/n's eyes flashed open, but the rush of blinding light forced them shut again. Slowly, hesitantly, he opened them again. A ceiling stretched above, molded patches blemishing its otherwise stern appearance.

But Y/n's newfound vision brought no comfort. His body remained immobile. He tried to turn his head, but even that small movement sent jolts of pain through him.


While Y/n didn't like pain, with it came something new. Sound. 

Now he could hear the hum of massive fans somewhere in the distance, and footsteps echoing close behind him. Someone was coming.

"I didn't think it was possible, but you really are making a recovery."

The voice, undoubtedly feminine, spoke out. Y/n attempted to turn his head again, but was quickly reminded exactly why he couldn't.

"Don't try to move. I'm using my technique on you, and the last thing I need is more wounds to tend to. Geez, you're just like him it's scary..."

Who was she referring to? The effort to recall sent more pain through Y/n's skull.

"I'm sure you can hear me right now, so I'll warn you directly. Don't strain yourself. Speaking, trying to move, or pulling any antics before you're fully healed could be fatal." She paused, taking a moment to clear her throat. "I believe what I'm about to do is rash, but you need to grasp the severity of this situation. It's more grave than even that Itadori boy."

As his vision adjusted, Y/n could see the woman's form before him. A doctor's coat enveloping her weary frame.

She materialized into his line of sight holding a sizable mirror, positioning it above Y/n so he could see his reflection. The horror he felt upon viewing his own disfigurement was visceral, an indescribable revulsion. His entire being bore grotesque burns, and his once clear eyes were now clouded with the hue of yellowish blood. Broken teeth and a grievous wound on his abdomen further painted the look. But the true damage lay in the absence of his limbs. He was merely a torso gazing back at himself.

Oddly, Y/n's immediate emotion wasn't panic. Rather it was disbelief. Such a state of being, while alive, seemed an impossibility. In his mind, he weighed whether life, in such a condition, was worth enduring.

"...Seems you really aren't a typical patient. I urged you to remain calm, but I anticipated a more visceral reaction," she remarked, her voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "Not many dare to confront Gojo and live to tell the tale. By all accounts, you're an anomaly."

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