Suguru Geto (Chapter 11) {Arc 1: Nephelomancy}

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Y/n's descent was rapid, the wind whipping his clothes and forcing his eyes to squint against the rush. Below, two giant worms wriggled on the cracked hotel, their attention drawn upwards.

With the ground fast approaching, one worm reared up, its movement more agile than anything its size had a right to be. Y/n braced for impact, but the worm missed by inches, its slimy body providing an accidental bounce that pushed Y/n aside, avoiding a rough introduction to the ground.

The second worm was quick to follow, its movements a copy of the first. Y/n hadn't even caught his breath from the first encounter when he was forced to react again. Luck, however—gave him the split-second he needed to thrust out his hand and repel it with his Cursed Energy.

The impact sent vibrations through the air, as the two worms collided with a wet thud before swiftly untangling themselves, ready to strike again. 

Y/n's eyes bulged as the worms reared up in unison this time, slime glistening off their segmented hides. He almost laughed at the absurdity of it, feeling quite put off without a weapon while inconveniently airborne. "What bullshit...." he muttered.

The worms split into a double helix mere seconds before impact, their surprisingly soft and slick bodies enveloping Y/n from both sides in a suffocating embrace as frictionless as one would imagine. He slid faster and faster down the funnel of flesh, flailing against mucousy membranes.

Abruptly, however, the meat tunnel went from slime-like to rock solid. As a result, Y/n howled as his arms were flayed raw, skin left behind like it'd been put though a cheese grater. He clawed at the hardened flesh but found only agony as newly sprouted spikes dug into his wounds.

"AGH!!!!" The scream burst from him, half roar and half gurgle through the blood frothing over his lips.

Eventually, he tumbled out into blessedly open air for a brief, glorious moment before crashing to the packed earth with a hard sound. The impact forced out what little breath remained in his lungs. Dazed, he raised his head, blinking away any blood caught in his eye.

Back in his fight with Gojo, he was able to use Reverse Cursed Energy, yet here he stood with bloodied arms, and nothing to heal him.

If only he could draw out his Cursed Technique. If only he could—


Y/n stumbled back, his skinned arms stinging, as the giant worms spun around for another go at him. They always seemed to pick the worst possible moments to redouble their efforts.

He stomped and scowled, trying to look more formidable than he felt in his current state. His pride still stung from their last attack. If only he'd spent a bit more time practicing his hand-to-hand combat skills instead of obsessing over perfecting his weaponplay.

I think Itadori warned me about this too....I should've listened...

The worms advanced, kicking up clods of dirt with each stride. Their eyeless heads bobbed and probed, as Y/n got a good look at their mouths—just a single tooth was as long as Y/n's arm from elbow to fingertip. It only made him wonder how he even managed to catch it in the first place.

With the worms mere moments from meeting him, Y/n dropped into a fighting stance—feet spread wide, hands held high to protect his center line. He wasn't sure if this was a viable stance, but it was the best one he could come up with.

The lead worm shot for an attack and Y/n quickly sidestepped and swung, his fist bouncing off it's rubbery hide with a pathetic sound. Idiot, he chastised himself. Their skin was practically invulnerable when they were in motion. Attacking now was like trying to hit water.

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