Feline (Chapter 9) {Arc 1: Nephelomancy}

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Y/n sat in a booth by the window, the plastic cup of orange juice in his hand dewed with condensation. It had probably been reused more times than it should have been, as the orange juice inside was a little too pulpy, but he sipped it leisurely, observing both the early customers and the staff behind the counter.

"Soooo....How's your day been?" Y/n asked, his tone light, an attempt to bridge the gap between casual conversation and the purpose of this meeting.

Mechamaru, sitting across from him, who obviously appeared out of place amidst the diner, scoffed. His posture, rigid. His arms, crossed. "What do you want from me?" he asked, cutting straight to the heart of the matter. There was no room for pleasantries in his world.

Y/n smiled, a friendly gesture. "What? I can't invite a colleague to eat breakfast?" He paused, his smile widening a bit. "You CAN eat, right?"

"I'm leaving."

"Hold on!" Y/n's hand shot out, palm open in a stopping motion. "I've still got something to ask you!"

"Then make it quick—You've already annoyed me."

"I wanted to ask about...your situation..."


"Heavenly Restriction. At least, I think that's what it was called..."


"Did I get it wrong?"

"Why do you care?" Mechamaru's voice had a flat, almost hollow quality. "What does it matter to you?"

"I think understanding helps," Y/n replied, glancing out the window, "Maybe there's a cure—"

"—There isn't. Heavenly Restrictions are bindings placed on a sorcerer's body when they are born."

"...I was told it was like a double edged sword. You get a limitation and a blessing, right?"

Mechamaru's hand clenched, the sound unnaturally loud in the diner. "Tsk."


"You say that so easily... it makes me want to kill you."


"Imagine, not just lacking limbs but being cursed by the very elements of nature. Sunlight, moonlight—they're enemies to my skin. Would you call that a mere limitation?" He gripped his stiff hands, "Tell me, Utsuwa. If every pore in your body felt like it was being stabbed constantly, would you accept that? All for a vast amount of cursed energy?"

Y/n remained silent, acutely aware of his own unblemished body. The irony of their situation was not lost on him. Yet, the sound of a hesitant step broke his focus. A young waitress, her hands trembling slightly, approached their table. "U-uh, refill?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm good, thanks," Y/n replied, his voice gentle.

The waitress turned to Mechamaru.

"Fuck off."

She ran.

"Was that really necessary?"

"Are we done here?"

Y/n sighed, "Y'know, I've been wondering what Miwa sees in you. She's all 'give Mechamaru a chance', but I'm starting to think she's too optimistic for her own good."

Mechamaru's voice was a low growl. "Don't pretend you understand anything about her."

"Oh, I understand plenty."

Mechamaru's fists clenched further. "You know nothing."

Y/n placed his drink down, "Jealous much?"

"Keep pushing, and you'll regret it."

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