Infinity and Infinity (Chapter 2)

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In the overview of life, Gojo Satoru had found himself relatively youthful, at a mere 28 years of age. However, within the separation of age and experience, there existed an exception, an outlier in the person of Gojo, where age yielded no sovereignty over might, no dominion over skill. An undefinable power resided in him, a culmination of his talent refined through the multitude of a tireless pursuit for perfection. 

And thus, it stood indisputable, reverberating throughout the Jujutsu world, that Gojo Satoru had reached the pinnacle, undisputed, holding the mantle of 'the strongest'.

But how does 'the strongest' appear in the face of a Catastrophe?

[Catastrophe: an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.]

Gojo Satoru, the one and only, the very same who had his barrier of infinity working for him around-the-clock, found himself — of all things — jumping back in shock. His well-honed instincts sparking to urgent life and shunting him backwards.

It wasn't a secret weapon or some doomsday attack that rattled him; no, it was Y/n lying there, who in theory, should have posed no more threat than a sleeping child. But theory was the playground of the uninitiated, and Gojo was anything but.

You see, Y/n Utsuwa, was shooting off a wave of energy — but one all turned around and inside out. It was cursed energy, yes, but it bore a pulsation that was the opposite to everything Gojo knew to be true of such energy. The energy Y/n released, was one of positive flux, a reverse current to the flow of negativity that the jujutsu world knew all too well. 

It wasn't merely a deviation, but a polar shift, a mirror reflection if you will. Y/n Utsuwa was using Reversed Cursed Energy as a natural basis whilst the entire Jujutsu world didn't.

In that fleeting moment, a profound understanding dawned on Gojo. The kid lying before him, Y/n, was something special — more precious than anything he had come to encounter in his time as 'the strongest.' It was a realization that seemed to come from nowhere, yet it felt remarkably undeniable.

With a jerk of his head, Gojo took in his surroundings. He knew there were others lurking around, and the longer he spent here, the closer they'd get to their goal.

"I'll be back for you," Gojo promised, his focus back onto Y/n. Yet, before he could so much as twitch a muscle to get moving, Y/n became the epicenter of an outburst of energy.


It was deafening, a blast of sound and power that thrummed with unrestrained and unfathomable heat, threatening to swallow everything whole. 

Gojo slid back a few steps. If it wasn't for Infinity, he was sure it'd have at least burned him a bit.

"Guess I pushed you a bit too far, didn't I?" Gojo tried to chuckle, as he watched Y/n. 

The boy – if he could still be called that – was nothing but a spectacle of violent cursed energy. Looking at Y/n now, one would be hard-pressed to see any resemblance to what he once was. Even his mother's loving eyes would falter.

Gojo's grin slipped from his face, as he unfastened his blindfold with a slow, deliberate motion. The air was hard to breath. Every molecule, every fiber of existence was pulsating with Y/n's immense and very condensed energy. Gojo knew that if he wasn't careful, the very ground they stood on, the cities nearby, everything could be gone in a flash.

He crossed his fingers. Gojo intended to use Unlimited Void, an attempt to shut down Y/n's mind and prevent a worst case scenario. However, If things spiraled out of control, the best he could hope for was that all of Y/n's energy would erupt inside his domain.

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