Interlude #1 (Heian Era)

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The morning sun leaked through a gap in the shoji door, jabbing Asami Sugawara right in the eye. "Perfect," she grumbled, turning away from the too-bright beam and pushing herself up to a sitting position. Alone, as always. But that's what happens when you're dubbed a black sheep and ditched by your own clan.

She shuffled to her basin, scrubbing her face free of sleep. 'A bath wouldn't hurt,' she mused, staring at the tub she'd prepped the night before. Sure, people talked. Said it was wasteful to bathe every day. But what did they know? She'd conned her way into this lovely place with a clan name she barely felt a part of anymore. A little luxury like a daily bath felt like just deserts.

Feeling a bit more human post-soak, she powdered her face a milky white, popping her lips with a rich red. Before wriggling into her jūnihitoe. Stylish, but heavy.

Breakfast was simple – rice, pickled veggies, fish. But she also allowed herself a small treat: a steamy, aromatic cup of green tea. Holding the warm bowl between her palms, she blew on the tea, watching the steam dance before her eyes.

Book in hand, she got lost in the story, she found it utterly incredible. A tale of love, bravery, and impossible choices. But just as she was immersing herself in a particularly juicy part, a shadow flickered at the edge of her vision.

"Lady Asami? Are you awake?" A voice called, a bit too loud, from behind the Shoji door.

Asami set her book aside. She'd been so engrossed in it, she'd almost forgotten the outside world. "Yes, Lady Miyako. I'm awake."

"I, um..." Lady Miyako hesitated, "Remember that thing we talked about? The... Curse?"

Oh right. The Curse. Asami groaned inwardly. Last night, amidst laughter and too many cups of sake, Miyako had confided in Asami about a Curse. One that, Every night tried to bind with her. According to Miyako, it would feel as if it was pulling on her mind.

In all honesty, Asami only agreed to help in her drunken stupor, she really didn't feel like dealing with Miyako. But a promise was a promise...

"Give me just a moment." Asami sighed, pushing herself off the tatami mat.

When she slid the door open, there stood Miyako, fidgeting and casting uneasy glances at Asami. Her usually perfect garb was slightly askew, and her hair was a wild cascade down her back.

"I'm sorry, Lady Asami," Miyako murmured, wringing her hands. "It's just... the pull was stronger last night. I tried the rituals, the chants, even that weird dance you showed me, but nothing's working."

Asami stifled a chuckle, remembering the impromptu "anti-Curse" dance they'd come up with that drunken night. "Alright, alright. I understand." 

"Please, step inside."


A/N: "This is part 1 of 4. They will be spread out in-between chapters. 

Side note: "Sugawara" is the Ancestor of Gojo, Yuta, and Y/n alike.

With that said and understood, we can now return to the main story."

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