The Peak of Jujutsu (Chapter 7)

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Y/n charged at Gojo once again, a spear-staff in hand, its wooden shaft drenched with sweat. Although Y/n couldn't pierce through Infinity, Gojo, ever the respectful sensei, deactivated it.

With a swift move, Gojo blocked Y/n's advance and countered with a powerful fist. Y/n, still new to this, recklessly used his shoulder to absorb the impact. The sensation of shattering bone spread across his shoulder, and for a brief moment, he screamed.

Maintaining his stance and gritting through the pain, Y/n readied his weapon. However, Gojo's experience outpaced him, and another swift punch sent Y/n sprawling on the ground.

"You're getting better at reacting. Good job!" Gojo exclaimed, his voice echoing in the dojo. "Shoko, could you..."

"Yeah, yeah...." she responded.

By now, they'd had 327 sparring matches. In all of them, Y/n had lost. The first 50 were so intense that Gojo had to rely on Shoko's skills to ensure Y/n's survival. But after a stern lecture from Shoko. Gojo took down his Infinity barrier.

Now, with the other 277 matches, Y/n showcased fast improvement, even adopting a weapon.

"Again!" Y/n's voice cried out. Shoko's healing, though not as helpful as it'd been back when Y/n's life was in danger, slowly mended his injuries.

Grasping the wooden spear-staff in his dominant hand while leaving the other free, Y/n once again lunged forward, thrusting the spear at Gojo.

Observing closely, Gojo noted the peculiar rhythm of Y/n's Cursed Energy. Sometimes it ebbed like a quiet stream, and at other times, it roared like a tempestuous ocean.

In layman's terms?

With every swing, Y/n was a roll of the dice. Sometimes he released a torrential downpour of energy, other times it was none at all. But what made it truly terrifying was when the attack landed. His Cursed Energy could surge dramatically or release in one instantaneous burst.

To an average Sorcerer, it's the surge you have to worry about, but that wasn't true at all. The real ace up Y/n's sleeve, a wildcard he was completely oblivious to, was miles more deadly.

Bracing himself, Y/n gripped his spear-staff with both hands, channeling his entire being into a downward strike aimed at Gojo.

Gojo, reflexively, blocked the attack with his forearms. Before a muffled grunt of pain escaped his lips.

You see, Y/n's Cursed Energy being erratic allowed for two different scenarios with every attack–the first being an overwhelming Cursed Energy strike, and the second, but deadlier option...

A Black Flash.

The spear-staff, suddenly crackled with thick Black lightning. The air, charged with a sound not unlike radio static grew louder and more insistent.

Gojo, however, didn't falter. His muscles, tensed in perfect sync. With a concentrated effort that drew beads of sweat on his forehead, he forced his Reverse Cursed Energy, to pulsate through his veins. He was trying to neutralize the pain and damage Y/n's attack threatened to inflict.

For a brief moment, time seemed to slow. Gojo and the spear-staff were caught in a standstill... However, with a swift motion and a grin showcasing admiration and amusement, Gojo pushed the weapon back, before delivering a gut-punch that sent Y/n hurtling back.

Choking, with traces of vomit at the corners of his mouth, Y/n tried to regain his composure. Shoko sighed, rubbing her temples in exasperation.

"You know, Y/n," Gojo started, voice dripping with a mix of sarcasm and genuine advice, "maybe you shouldn't even bother trying to fix that Cursed Energy of yours. It gives you an edge, a fierce one at that."

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