Chapter 3: The Millers Strike Back

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At the studio two days later, Abby, Antonio, and Gianna were at the front desk searching for information about the upcoming competitions. Antonio would sit this competition out like the previous one. The girls and their moms were all in the Dancer's Den when Payton and Leslie arrived at the studio. Payton went to the Dancer's Den and waved, while Leslie stayed behind to talk to Abby, Antonio, and Gianna.

"Payton's back to dance," Leslie stated to the Millers and Gianna before taking off her sunglasses. "I know that I stormed out and all that, but you two didn't throw me out."

"Leslie, here's the thing, we didn't throw you out and we don't want to throw you out," Antonio said. "We want you to understand that you need to take things personally and handle them appropriately. When you're in your vehicle or at home, then you can lose it. If you don't, we'll have no choice but to put the kibosh on you. Whenever I was mad about something, I would always talk to my mom about it."

"He sure does, and it's very embarrassing for us as it is for you," Abby added.

"Yeah," Gianna commented. Minutes later, they were in Studio A talking to the girls and the moms, who were looking on.

"Now that you're here, we are really excited because this week we'll be holding the first of three open call auditions. We're looking for the next big thing, amazing kids that can push you to the next level," Abby told everyone.

"We've also received a ton of headshots, resumes, and mail with questions about how to join the Abby Lee Dance Company. It's simple: show up, pay, and audition," Antonio added as Abby nodded. "Who are we replacing? What do we need them to do, and when can they be available?"

The moms had tense looks on their faces, sensing that Maddie, Mackenzie, and Chloe were safe, which meant that Brooke, Paige, and others might be at risk.

"We will be traveling this weekend to Orlando, Florida," Abby declared, her voice carrying to every corner of the studio. The dancers exchanged glances, their hearts racing. Orlando meant auditions, opportunities, and perhaps a chance to prove themselves beyond the New York dance scene.

Melissa, always the pragmatic one, nodded. "Sure," she said, her eyes on her daughters, Maddie and Mackenzie. "We're up for it."

Christi, ever the skeptic, raised an eyebrow. "It's all right with me," she said, her tone implying that she'd believe it when she saw it.

Antonio stepped forward. His dark eyes scanned the room, settling on Maddie, Mackenzie, and Chloe. "What do you say?" he asked, his voice gentle. "Are you ready for this?"

The trio exchanged glances, their bond forged through years of competition and shared dreams. "Count us in," they chorused, their determination unwavering.

But then, as if scripted by fate, the room erupted.

"My Little Kendall could do that as well," Jill interjected, her voice rising above the others. She was always ready to advocate for her daughter, Kendall. Sometimes too ready.

Leslie, never one to be outdone, leaned in. "They all could do it!" she declared, pointing dramatically at Maddie, Mackenzie, and Chloe. "Abby picked those three for a reason."

Abby's patience wavered. She turned to Kendall, her expression a mix of exasperation and calculation. "Kendall," she began, "that is where your mother talks out of turn and acts out of—"

Jill cut her off, her frustration boiling over. "I'm just asking!" she shouted, her heels clicking on the studio floor. "Is that wrong?!"

And then, like a thunderclap, Antonio's voice echoed through the room. "Jill, do everybody a favor and SHUT UP!" he roared. The dancers froze, eyes wide. Antonio inherited his mother's fiery temper and when lost his cool, it was seismic. "There are some things that should be said behind closed doors and not to embarrass Kendall!" He shot a pointed look at Jill before turning to Abby. "Mom, resume."

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