Chapter 13: New York meets Liverpool

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That monday at the studio, Abby and her son were at the front desk still hurting from the passing of Maryen.

"Stay strong for me, Neo." Abby told Antonio.

"I will." Antonio assured. "You stay strong for me too, mom."

"I sure will, sweetheart." Abby replied, giving Antonio a hug and kissed him on the side of his head.

"Toady is the day that the new team moving from Liverpool to New York will be here, am i correct?"

"You're correct and you're wondering, you can help both teams out."

"Sounds good to me."

Minutes later after arriving with their moms, Maddie, Mackenzie, Chloe, Kalani, Nia, Brooke, Paige and their mothers entered Studio A.

"We can tell you're a team today." Abby commented. "Girls, in hindsight, we could've taken the weekend off, but we know that in the back of your minds, you went on the stage and danced your rear ends off in Buffalo for my mother, Antonio's grandmother, Maryen Lorrain Miller and i'm very proud of you for doing that. How about moment of silence for my mother Maryen Lorrain Miller?"

The girls and moms were emotional and even shed some tears as they did a moment of silence as Antonio bit his lip to keep his tears at bay as Abby wrapped an arm around him.

"Thanks and in addition, the 13 competition winning streak finally came to a halt an we'll admit, it was really fun while it lasted, but you sure learn a whole lot more from losing than winning." Antonio said.

"I couldn't have said that any better." Abby stated. "Back to business, we have known you've been here for a long time and we know your mothers've been paying tuition for years and years, even Kira in the short time she's brought Kalani here, but as the old saying goes, the times are a-changin'."

"Mom has told you for months that a new team will be coming in, but the thing is, this new team has moved here to New York from across the Atlantic. They'll be the temporary ALDC Select Team aka The Select Ensemble and will challenge you, so take a deep breath." Antonio informed.

The girls and moms, even though surprised that the team is coming across the Atlantic took a deep breath.

"Now that you know that your lives'll change momentarily and so is the members of the Select Ensemble. The day's finally arrived. " Abby said as the moms and girls were anxious and intrigued on who came across the Atlantic before she headed to the door. "You can come in now!"

"This'll be interesting." Chloe whispered.

"It sure will be." Paige commented.

"Let's see who'll be a part of the Select Ensemble." Nia said.

"Hopefully, none of the moms become Jill 2.0 as that's how Kendall thrown out Abby's studio." Melissa stated.

"Who knows." Christi and Kelly told her.

The door opened and coming into Studio A was a 30 year old woman with blond hair and with her were 7 girls and their moms who stood near the door from the foyer and they didn't look intimidated whatsoever.

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