Chapter 7: Hanging out with Kalani and Kira

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The morning after the intense competition drama with Jill, Abby and Antonio decided to invite Kalani and Kira to hang out in New York City. They planned to start their day at 1:00 pm with lunch at Olive Garden, one of Abby and Antonio's favorite spots. As they waited for Kalani and Kira to arrive, they discussed their plans.

"Mom, I'm really glad Kalani's part of the team now," Antonio said, breaking the quiet moment between them.

Abby smiled warmly. "I am too. It was time for a change. Jill and Kendall had their run, but things had to move on."

"Yeah, Jill was really pushing it," Antonio agreed. "Even the other moms were fed up. Remember that time with Cathy and the whole solo debacle?"

Abby nodded knowingly. "Oh, how could I forget? That woman knows how to stir up trouble."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sight of Kalani and Kira approaching them.

"Hey, Abby. Hey, Antonio," Kira greeted warmly, with Kalani waving beside her.

"Hello, Miss Kira. Hello, Kalani," Antonio replied cheerfully. "How's everything?"

"Great," Kalani answered with a bright smile.

"You can just call me Kira, Antonio," Kira chuckled. "We're looking forward to lunch!"

They entered Olive Garden and were seated at a cozy booth on the second level. Kalani sat next to Antonio, while Abby settled beside Kira. They were handed menus, and the chatter resumed.

"This place brings back memories," Abby remarked. "Neo and I used to come here whenever we got the chance."

Antonio nodded enthusiastically. "Since I was practically a baby! Italian food is my weakness."

Abby turned to Kalani and Kira. "How are you finding New York City so far?"

"It's incredible," Kira replied. "We've been here before, but now that we're living here, it's a whole new adventure."

"I bet," Antonio chimed in. "Have you seen the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall yet?"

Kalani shook her head. "Not yet."

"You should," Abby suggested. "It's a quintessential New York experience."

Their waiter arrived to take their orders. Antonio opted for Chicken Alfredo, Kalani chose Fettuccine Alfredo, Abby decided on Chicken Parmigiana, and Kira ordered Spaghetti with Meat Sauce. The food arrived promptly, and they dug in while discussing their city adventures.

"Antonio, have you ever been to Rockefeller Center?" Kalani asked between bites.

Antonio grinned. "Oh, plenty of times! The view from the Top of the Rock is amazing. You've got to see it."

"We've been to the Empire State Building," Kira added. "The city has so much to offer."

Abby joined in, explaining the intricacies of New York's transportation. "There's the Long Island Railroad, Metro North, and of course, the subway."

Kalani was intrigued. "What's the LIRR like?"

Antonio, always eager to share his knowledge, launched into an explanation. "It runs all over Long Island, mixing diesel and electric trains. It's a lifeline for commuters."

Kira nodded thoughtfully. "We'll have to explore more of the city's transport options."

Amid their lively conversation, Abby turned to Kira. "Does Kalani have siblings?"

Kira nodded. "Yes, a little brother named Jax."

Antonio interjected with a grin, "I'm an only child—keeps things quieter around the house."

They continued chatting, covering everything from sports (like the Yankees versus Mets rivalry) to cultural experiences in the city. Kalani and Kira shared stories about their encounters with Cathy and the Candy Apples, to which Abby nodded knowingly.

"Cathy Nesbitt-Stein is quite the character," Abby remarked dryly. "Always stirring up trouble."

Kalani chuckled. "She's definitely... unforgettable."

After finishing their meal and paying the bill, they strolled through Times Square, exchanging jokes and stories. Kalani whispered something to Antonio that made him laugh, and he responded in kind, earning giggles from Kalani and amused smiles from Abby and Kira.

As they reached the end of their day together, they said their goodbyes and headed back to their respective apartments, filled with new memories of friendship and laughter.

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