Chapter 10: Fallon Arrives

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6 days after ringing in 2014, Abby was at the studio talking to her son about what was gonna happen for the week.

"Antonio, Kalani will be given the week off as we'll be bringing in a different dancer to see how they work with this group. I informed Kalani and her mother about it and they didn't have a problem with it. Is that all right with you?" Abby asked.

"I don't have a problem with it." Antonio responded.

"Great to know. Between the both of us, this new team will be coming from Liverpool in England as the dance teacher of that studio, her dancers and their moms or in UK style, mums will be moving from there to here in New York as their studio is currently being built in Queens." Abby informed.

"Sounds great."

Minutes later, a Ford Escape arrived and after parking, the passenger side opened and getting out was a girl around 11 with brown hair named Fallon Chapman, who had auditioned for Abby in Orlando and getting out of the driver's seat was a woman with brown hair named Cheryl Chapman, who is Fallon's mother and they went in the studio.

"Hello, Fallon, Hello, Cheryl." Abby greeted.

"Hello." Fallon and Cheryl responded.

"You two remember my son Antonio, he accompanied me to all 3 of the auditions i held."

"We sure do." Cheryl commented.

"How are you, Antonio?" Fallon asked.

"Great, how about you?" Antonio stated.

"We're great." Cheryl told him and later when the girls and moms arrived, they were introduced to Cheryl and Fallon prior to pyramid in Studio A as Kalani was given the week off and she and Kira were understanding.

"This week, we'll be traveling to In10sity in Toledo, Ohio and you know what's bound to happen, the Rotten Apples. We'll have to deal with that moron again and we're going for win number 10 and can you imagine what your life will be like if she were to win?" Antonio raised his eyebrow as the moms and girls cringed at the thought. "Mom, over to you."

"Thanks, Neo. You'll all be in the group Red With Envy and Fallon also has a solo called Voices In My Head and Fallon, this'll either make you or break you and we have another solo which will go to Nia called Just Rain." Abby stated as Holly raised her hand."

"Abby, Antonio, do you two think it would be a good idea if the kids cheer Mrs. Miller up if we could take her mind off everything?" Holly suggested.

"Great idea, the girls can put on a little show for the other people and should grandma feel well enough and wants to come out and watch, that would be great." Antonio said. "Moms, head out and girls, spread out and warm up."

The girls began warming up and the moms headed to the observation room and later that evening, Abby took Antonio and the girls to the Hospice of New York, a hospice in Queens that Maryen was in an there, the girls put on a little show for Maryen and the other patients that were there and Antonio did the Beat It dance like the Michael Jackson music video that he used to do for Maryen, who smiled as it reminder her of the times when her grandson would do the dance to cheer her and Abby up whenever they felt down.

Two days later at the studio, Fallon was rehearsing her solo as the moms looked on as Abby and Antonio critiqued her and it was obvious from the start, she wasn't picking up on the choreography like the other girls would have.

"Should Cathy beat us this week, the girls'll have to live with that next week." Melissa stated.

"I agree, Abby and Antonio are likely to not let the girls hear the end of that should it happen." Kelly added.

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