Chapter 4: Chloe/Kendall Showdown, Act II

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Two days later, the tension at the studio was palpable as the girls and their moms gathered in Studio A. Payton, on crutches due to her injured ankle, was seated with her mother, Leslie, amidst the group. Abby and Antonio stood at the front, a mix of pride and admonishment in their expressions.

"Congratulations, you're the overall high score winners," Abby announced, prompting applause that echoed in the studio.

Antonio stepped forward, his tone serious. "We wish it was a great weekend in Orlando, Florida, but as it turned out, it wasn't. We saw a few things we hope to never see again. Ever heard the expression, it's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye?"

The room fell silent as all eyes turned to Leslie, who shifted uncomfortably under the scrutiny.

Before pyramid started, Abby's stern voice cut through the tension. "Payton, you have yet to admit you were fooling around! First, you tripped over a chair leg, and then we find out it was Kendall's foot. But we've also heard you mocked the ballet dance on stage and attempted those steps, leading to your fall!"

Leslie interjected defensively, "Where did you hear these stories?"

Antonio didn't hesitate. "Not just from every single person backstage, but from a very reliable source I informed Mom about before we left the competition."

Leslie shot back, "Don't try to blame my daughter! She tripped over a prop and turned around."

Abby's frustration was evident. "Payton almost cost us the win!"

"If you two don't want Payton on the team and want to kick her out, just do it!" Leslie retorted sharply.

Antonio didn't hold back, mimicking an umpire's ejection gesture. "Well, you're outta here!"

Abby managed a wry smile at the theatrical display. "Come on, Payton." Leslie sighed, ushering her daughter away. "Remember this when you ask to come back. You can't keep messing with people like this."

With that, Payton and Leslie left Studio A, leaving a somber atmosphere in their wake.

Antonio took charge, addressing everyone solemnly. "Mom taught us about what's acceptable behavior backstage. No fooling around when another team is on stage. Remember, as Mom always says, everyone's replaceable."

Abby nodded approvingly at Antonio's words. "Thank you, Antonio. This weekend, we're heading to Roanoke, Virginia, for Dance Troupe International. We've done some research—"

Antonio cut in, eager to contribute. "And we found out the Wicked Witch of the West from Canton will be there with her minions."

Abby's announcement drew concerned looks from the moms and girls alike. "The group dance will be called The Witches of East Canton, a playful jab at those infamous apples. Chloe and Kendall, you'll have solos: 'Wreck It' for Chloe and 'Holla' for Kendall. Antonio and Brooke, you'll do a duet."

As the moms retreated to the observation deck, tensions simmered. Chloe began rehearsing her solo, and the conversation turned to the upcoming showdown between Chloe and Kendall.

Christi glanced at Jill with a raised eyebrow. "You seem unhappy about Kendall facing Chloe again. Feels like déjà vu from two weeks ago."

"It's not just that," Jill sighed. "Why isn't Kendall doing the duet with Antonio? She deserves that chance!"

Kelly interjected calmly, trying to pacify Jill. "Kendall has a solo, which is a big opportunity."

Melissa and Holly nodded in agreement, but Christi couldn't help but echo Jill's frustration. "If this is about making them better dancers, then let's see it."

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