Chapter 12: Loss for Abby and Antonio

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It was Februrary 8 and at the Millers' apartment, Antonio was in his bedroom watching TV as Leslie and Payton were there with him and they were watching him as Abby was at the hospice as her mother's health was deteriorating. The girls and moms were in Buffalo at the Masters of Dance Arts as the time was 7:28 pm

"Antonio?" Payton called out, her voice shaking as she was looking sad.

"Yes, Pay?"

"Your mother wants to speak to you, call her immediately."

Antonio had a really bad feeling about something from the way that Payton had said that Abby wanted to tell him something. He got his phone from the dresser and dialed his mother's number and after 4 rings, Abby answered and he could hear her sobbing.

"A-Antonio, i have some bad news, I-It's your grandmother...s-she's g-gone to join Broadway Baby and your grandfather." Abby sobbed.

When he heard those words from his mother, Antonio gasped and went numb, he felt his heart break and he took deep breaths as tears flooded his eyes. His knees buckled under him at the heartwrenching news before Payton caught him as the floodgates burst open and the tears that were in his eyes began to fall rapidly as Antonio then started crying incoherently, letting out wails of anguish.

"No...Nooo...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Antonio bellowed in absolute sadness.

"It's gonna be ok!" Payton assured the grieving 13 year old, who was inconsolable.

"No it's not! My grandmother's gone!" Antonio bawled as Leslie came in and she had been crying as Abby had told her and Payton.

"He found out, didn't he?" Leslie asked, sniffing.

"Yeah." Payton responded as she too, started crying. She and Leslie walked walked him to his bed and they sat down and comforted Antonio.

15 minutes later, Abby came back in, tears all over her face over the loss of her mother as Payton and Leslie hugged her before heading out. Abby headed to her son's bedroom and saw saw her son on the bed with his face buried in the pillow, still crying his eyes out.

"Sweetheart..." Abby croaked, putting a hand on his shoulder before he looked up at her, tears all over his face.

"It hurts so bad, mom..." Antonio cried.

"I know, Neo ." Abby choked. "I'm hurting like you are, but it'll get better. Your grandmother's in a better place where there's no pain or hurt and i know that your grandfather and Broadway Baby are so happy to be reunited with her. Even though she's gone physically, she'll always be with us in heart, mind and spirit."

"Y-Yeah." Antonio sniffed as Abby gently took him into her arms.

"We'll be ok." Abby soothed as she rubbed his back, then she texted Gianna the heartbreaking news and around 11:00 pm, the dance teacher headed to her bedroom and fell asleep and as she fell asleep, she could hear Antonio's quiet sobs coming from his bedroom, which broke her heart, she said a silent prayer before falling asleep.

The next day, in Antonio's bedroom, Antonio was sitting on the side of his bed looking at a picture of him and Maryen on a subway train a few years ago that Abby took as he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in." Antonio said solemnly.

Coming in was Kalani and Kira, who hugged him.

"Hey, Kalani. Hey, Kira."

"Hey, Neo. Miss Abby told us about Mrs. Miller last night as she sent a text to Gia, who told us the disheartening news after we came from the stage. We all burst into tears." Kalani told him.

"How are you holding up?" Kira asked.

"Still hurting over losing grandma." Antonio said as Kalani sat next to him and wrapped an arm around him.

"Antonio, i know it's a heavy blow for you and Miss Abby, but she'll always be with you two in spirit, heart and mind. So in a way, your grandmother never left." Kalani said.

Antonio nodded, before he started crying again as Kalani hugged the heartbroken 13 year old teen boy and Kira rubbed his back. Kalani let her own tears fall from her eyes as she was quietly crying too.

"It's gonna be ok." Kalani assured as she and Kira consoled him and even Abby came in and hugged him. They knew Maryen was gone, but not forgotten.

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