Chapter 5: Nobody's Safe

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A week passed, and anticipation filled the air as the Abby Lee Dance Company prepared for their next competition in Atlanta, Georgia, at the Center Stage Theater. The day before the competition, the theater buzzed with hopeful dancers and their parents, mostly mothers, gathered for the second round of auditions for the ALDC.

Abby and Antonio entered the stage to cheers, ready to lead the auditions. Maddie, Mackenzie, and Chloe, clad in ALDC jackets, stood beside them, ready to assist in the selection process.

"Hello, everybody!" Antonio greeted warmly, earning smiles from the audience.

"Thank you all for coming out today," Abby began, her tone business-like. "We're looking for dancers who can elevate our team. It's time for those who aren't up to our standards to step aside."

The auditions commenced, with dancers showcasing their skills. Abby and Antonio scrutinized each performance, looking for high kicks, impressive flexibility, and the right look for their team.

"Hold it! The girl with the bad hairdo, can you please exit?" Abby called out to one dancer, pointing out a style choice that didn't meet their professional standards. The dancer left with disappointment, followed by another round of auditions.

At one point, Dancer #003, a young girl from Atlanta, was cut from the audition. As she turned to leave, she approached Abby and Antonio with determination.

"Wait a minute, where are you going?" Abby asked, intrigued by the girl's persistence.

"I'll work hard and train hard for you, and I'm only 11," Dancer #003 pleaded earnestly, seeking a second chance.

"We already have Maddie at 11, and I'm 13," Antonio pointed out, trying to explain their decision.

But Dancer #003 persisted, fueled by her passion. "I believe I can work hard and beat the competition for you."

Her mother, seated in the audience, stood up and called out, "Give her a second chance!"

Antonio exchanged a knowing look with Abby. "I had a feeling something like this might happen."

"Ma'am, there are no second chances in auditions," Antonio replied firmly to the mother's plea.

The mother grew agitated. "You're disenfranchising these young dancers!"

Abby stepped in, trying to diffuse the situation. "Sorry, no second chances."

The mother, frustrated, threw something at Antonio, who quickly ducked out of the way. The audience gasped in shock.

"Security, can you please escort her out?" Abby called out, clearly exasperated.

Security intervened, escorting the mother out as she continued to protest loudly. Dancer #003 followed reluctantly, her hopes dashed by her mother's actions.

"Are you okay?" Abby asked Antonio, concern evident in her voice.

"Yeah," Antonio replied, brushing off the incident. "Some mothers just can't accept the rules."

The next day was competition day. Maddie claimed 1st place in the Junior Solo Division, Mackenzie took 2nd in the Mini Solo Division, and Chloe, Kendall, and Paige secured 1st place in the junior trio division despite a minor slip-up from Kendall. The group dance, once again titled "The Witches of East Canton," dazzled the judges and earned them another 1st place win.

Backstage, the ALDC moms celebrated their fourth consecutive victory, proud of their daughters' achievements and relieved that the drama from the auditions was behind them. However, little did they know, the dynamics of their team were about to undergo significant changes in the weeks to come.

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