Chapter 8: Day Prior to Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving 2013

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Three days later, it was November 27 and that was the day prior to Thanksgiving and at a grocery store on 8th street called Wegmans, Abby and Antonio were there getting things for tomorrow's Thanksgiving Dinner and also, the day prior, Abby and Antonio took Kalani and Kira to the hospice where Maryen was and introduced them to her. Thanksgiving was one of Antonio's favorite holidays besides Christmas as the time was 4:05 pm.

"All right, we've got the Turkey, Ham, Corn, Green Beans, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Greens and Cranberry Sauce. What else do we need?" Antonio asked Abby.

"Potato Salad, Mac & Cheese, Sweet Potatoes, Spinach, Pie Crust, Apples, Onions and some milk as we're running short." Abby answered her son.

"Let's do it."

"Correcto mundo. Oh, in case i forgot to let you know, Kalani and Kira will spend the night over at the apartment."

"That sounds like a great idea."

Abby and Antonio went to the produce where there were a ton of fruits and vegetables and found some apples. 20 minutes later, they got the Potato Salad, Mac & Cheese, Sweet Potatoes, Spinach, Pie Crust, Onions, Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Chips.

"Looks like that is all of them, ready to head to the checkout line?" Abby asked her son.

"Yes, mom. But don't be surprised if the checkout lines are packed." Antonio stated as the two went to the checkout lines and sure enough, they were packed. "Had a feeling that was gonna happen."

"It was bound to happen." Abby told him, before they saw a empty checkout line that lit up, which was number 5. "That one just opened, if we hurry, we'll be the 1st in line!"

Abby and Antonio headed to the line and put the things they got on the conveyor belt and the clerk scanned them before the two paid for them, the Millers then exited the supermarket and went to the 8th Street-NYU subway station and got on the R Broadway Local train.

17 minutes later at 4:48 pm, Abby and her son were seen coming up the stairs at the 57th Street-7th Avenue station and arrived at their condo seconds later before taking the elevator to their apartment as they entered once getting to their floor.

"We made it." Antonio said.

"We sure did." Abby commented as they put the groceries on the counter in the kitchen and 3 hours later, Antonio was helping his mother prepare the pies as the time was 7:53 pm, then the sound of the doorbell rang.

"That's got to be Kalani and her mother. I'll get it if you want." Antonio offered.


Antonio got up and headed to the door, opened it and standing in the doorway was Kalani, Kira and a boy around 6 named Jax, who is Kalani's brother and Kira's son.

"Hey, Antonio!" Kalani and Kira greeted.

"Hello, Kalani. Hello, Kira. How's it going?" Antonio asked.

"We're good." Kira stated.

"That's great."

"Antonio, i'd like for you to meet my little brother, Jax. Jax, this is Antonio Miller, he's Miss Abby's son." Kalani introduced.

"Hello, Jax." Antonio told Jax.

"Hello." Jax replied shyly.

"Mom's in the kitchen as i'm helping her prepare the pies for tomorrow's Thanksgiving dinner."

Kalani, Kira and Jax came in and followed The Younger Miller into the kitchen.

"Hello, Miss Abby." Kalani greeted the dance teacher.

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