First Date (1/2)

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It was 7 pm at the hub, and there was nothing unusual happening. No weevil attacks, not unusual change in rift energy, nothing. Gwen had already gone home at 5 because she was having a well needed date night with Rhys and he wasn't going to let her skip another one. Jack told everyone that they can leave since there was nothing else too do. Tosh and Owen where packing up their stuff to head out.

"Oh, Ianto, would you like a lift home or anything?" Tosh asked politely. "Oh, No thank you. I'm planning to stay for a little longer. I'll see you tomorrow" Ianto replied. "Probably gonna stay to shag Jack-" Owen muttered under his breath. Then Tosh nudged him to shut up. "Alright, see you Ianto" Tosh responded quickly hoping Ianto didn't just hear what Owen just said. "Yeah, night teaboy" Owen added. With that, Owen and Tosh left and went their separate ways. Leaving only Jack and Ianto left in the hub. Ianto was just clearing some cups up and cleaning a bit and was soon going to get going too.

"Ianto, I think I might be pulling an all-nighter tonight doing paperwork, would you grab me a coffee before you head out?" Jack asked Ianto with a tired tone to his voice, sitting behind his desk which was pilled up with papers. "Right away, sir" Ianto quickly answered, while grabbing a cup and making his boss a cup of his world famous coffee. A moment or two later he took the cup up to Jack's office, careful not to spill anything. "Here you go, sir" Ianto added while popping the cup down onto the small gap where you can see the table between the papers on the desk. "Thank you, excellent, Ianto. God knows what I'd do without you" He said as he took a sip of his hot beverage and Ianto turned around started to walk out the door to give his boss some peace. "Sir, I've been meaning to ask you about something" Ianto quickly said, turning back towards Jack. "Well, ask me quickly, I have a lot of paperwork to do." Jack replied pointing at the papers scattered everywhere. "Well, you know how we've been... talking... recently?" The Welshman uttered. "Ianto, you and I both know very well we've been doing a lot more then just talking" Jack replied with his stupid grin. Ianto gave him a annoyed look back which only made Jacks smile become bigger. "Anyways, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to... go out to dinner with me sometime?" Ianto asked confidently, although he was terrified for the captains response. "Yeah, I'd like that a lot, actually. Any idea on a time or place?" Jack replied happily. "Maybe next Friday night? There is a nice new restaurant down in the city that I've been meaning to try. Rhiannon told me about it. It's nice and posh" Ianto asked with a hopeful smile. "Yeah. That sounds great." Jack replied with a calm smile. Ianto then smiled back at the captain and left the office full of joy. He had been meaning to ask that to jack for a awfully long time but had felt guilty to do so since Lisa's death. He also couldn't tell if Jack felt the same or just saw Ianto as a cheap shag. Jack had also been meaning to ask Ianto the same but could never figure out when was the right time. Which most of the times he considered it, were in fact, not the right time.

The days felt like months, but quickly enough it became Friday. Unsurprisingly the rest of the torchwood team found out about Jack and Ianto's plans for Friday. On Friday morning, everyone arrived at the hub at their usual arrival times. Not on time. But on time, for them. Ianto was the first one in, as per usual. He went up to the captains office with a fresh coffee for Jack, only to find him sitting in his chair doing some paperwork. "Good Morning, sir" Ianto whispered to Jack as he moved some papers for a place to put down Jack's coffee. "What-? Oh, Um, Yes, Good Morning Jones. W-What time is it?" Jack asked tiredly while not having fully woken up from his dream yet. "It is 8:00 AM, sir." Ianto replied. "Oh shit, I was meant to get this all done last night" Jack said as he looked at the pile of paperwork he had yet to complete. "Oh, Um, Jack, about our date tonight, I'll pick you up from here at 7, So I have a chance to go home quickly and get into something nicer as apposed to work clothes. Does that sound okay?" Ianto uttered to Jack. "Yeah, sure. But I mean, I do like how you look in your uniform." Jack responded with a grin on his face. "Oh, do you now?" Ianto said grinning back at Jack "Yes I do indeed, but you'd look even better without it" Jack replied with their grinning just getting bigger. "I mean, we may have some time before the others get h-"  Ianto was saying until he got cut off by the sound of doors opening. "Ianto? Jack? I'm down here. Could I get a coffee once your ready, Ianto?" Yelled Tosh from the bottom floor. "Well it seems, Jones, that all that will have to wait till later" Jack responded still grinning at Ianto. "Yes, We're just up here. Coming down now" Ianto yelled back to Tosh while looking at Jack being annoyed that Tosh just arrived and ruined his plans. Then Gwen walked in. "Hello Guys. Ooh, looking forward to your date tonight boys?" Gwen asked excitedly. "Gwen, we'll consider telling you how the date went tomorrow if and only if you get to work, now. " Jack informed Gwen. They would find out anyway, but he needed to get through the day first.

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