Me and Him (Short)

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Ianto's POV:

Gwen looks stunning in that dress. I'm happy her and Rhys worked out. I'm really happy he didn't leave her. She needs that normality in her life. All of us do. I'm happy she has it. I wonder if Jack and I could ever be like that. Have a normal, happy relationship. Well, when i say normal, i mean like her and Rhys. Not like when we were at serenity plaza. That was too normal. I know Jack would never want that type of life, But wouldn't it be nice if some day we could get a house together. Go on dates all the time. Get married. Have kids even. Be together. Like any other couple. I know that could never happen though. As much as I'd like to believe it could, i know it couldn't. He's Immortal after all.

I can see Jack standing up. He's walking over to Gwen and Rhys dancing. "Mind I cut in?" he's saying. I am impressed Rhys let him to be honest. Rhys just went back to sit down while my boyfriend and his wife are dancing in a very romantic way. They always look like they're about to kiss. I know Jack flirts but isn't it fair to get at least a bit jealous at that? Sometimes i wonder if he does actually fancy her. I mean, she clearly fancies him. I mean, i can't blame her. He is very handsome. But she has a husband, and he has a boyfriend.  

Okay, I've had enough of watching them dancing. He's my boyfriend. I should be the one dancing with him. I walk over to the pair. "May i, umm". "Yes". Gwen steps away. She goes to grab another drink, probably. I don't care right now.  I step in front of him and wrap my arm around his waist. i put my other arm on his shoulder. He does the same. The feeling of his arms around me feels so safe. I am finally safe. No weevils to hunt. No people to retcon. No bad memories to return. Just Me and Him. I dance with the music. It's a nice slow song. Perfect to slow dance too. I can smell those oh so familiar 51st pheromones.  That smell instantly makes me calm. God, i love this man. I never thought I'd be saying that. Never thought I'd be dancing with the hottest man around. But this feels so right. Just the two of us. I like this. I like being here with Jack. I like being anywhere with Jack. I really do think I'm falling in love with him. I didn't think i would ever fall in love again but I am sure this is love. I don't want this moment to ever end. This is all i want. This is all i need. All i need is Jack. I love him. 

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