Happy Anniversary, Cariad

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It was the day Jack had been dreading since that fateful day in Thames House with the 456. It was, well, it would've been, Jack and Ianto's Anniversary. Jack had considered trying to just forget about it. It was too painful to think about Ianto, his Ianto, dying in his arms, but he figured he would regret it if he did. He had decided he would go back to Cardiff for one day to see his beloved Ianto. He knew when he went back to Cardiff all he would see were his mistakes. The people he lost. The people he couldn't save. But he knew he had to see Ianto. 

He first headed back to the water tower, above where the hub once was. He decided he would take a look around since he was there. As he looked around he thought of Tosh and Owen. People we should've saved, but failed. They were more then just his Employees. They were his friends. He wanted to go and see Rhiannon, but he figured that it probably wouldn't end well, since it had only been a few months after her baby brother died. Although, he did decided to write her a quick note and put it through her door. The note said "Dear Rhiannon, I would've stopped by properly but I figured you wouldn't want to see me. Today would've been mine and Ianto's first anniversary. I'm going to go to this grave and give him some fresh flowers. I want you to know, that I really wished I could've saved him. I tried to get him out, but it was too late. I really do miss him. I really wish he was here with us, but I failed to keep him safe and I am so sorry. I hope you, Johnny, Mica and David are happy and healthy. I Wish you the best and once again, I am so sorry. From Captain Jack Harkness". As he put that through her door, he felt it may have been a mistake, but it was too late now. He left as quickly as possible because he didn't want anyone to see him there. He left pretty quickly and headed down to a flower shop to pick out some flowers for Ianto. 

He decided he was going to get him a bouquet of red roses. He had always meant to get them for him but he just never had. So he figured since it was their anniversary, he should. He bought the bouquet and continued his way to the grave of his love. He walked along carrying the bouquet, trying his best to not start crying. He was looking forward to their anniversary. He was going to take Ianto out for a big fancy private dinner and give him flowers and just utterly spoil him. This wasn't how he planned their first anniversary to go. He didn't expect to be going to Ianto's grave on their anniversary. On his walk over to the grave, he saw a winery. He decided to get Ianto a bottle of wine as a gift. Now, Jack was carrying a bottle of red wine and a bouquet of red roses. Anyone walking by would've thought he was on his way to his girlfriends house for a romantic date at a park or something. But that wasn't the case for Jack. He wasn't that lucky. 

He reached the street of the graveyard of his lover. He could see the church up ahead and the closer he was getting the more his eyes went to go blurry with tears. He reached the gates of the graveyard. He took a deep breath and entered. He walked by the graves, reading a few a aloud as he walked by. "Mair Jenkins age 93, Gareth Singleton age 76, David Tomas age 85". And that's when he saw on a modern grave stone "Ianto Jones age 26". When he initially saw this he froze as a single tear ran down his face until he wiped his tear with his hand and continued over to the grave. 

When he reached the grave, he brushed his hands over the stone before sitting Infront of it. "I am so sorry Ianto"  The captain said has he started to feel the tears run down his face. He placed the flowers delicately on the grave. In his mind, he couldn't stop thinking about how he was only 6 feet away from Ianto. He placed the bottle of wine next to the flowers. "I really miss you, Ianto. I don't know how I'm supposed to do this without you. I Shouldn't have let come with me to Thames House. I should've kept you safe. That's what my purpose is. To keep you safe. And I failed to do that.". The longer the captain spoke the more the tears ran down his face. "The thing is, is that I can't even see you again. Why do I have to be Immortal? But I suppose, if I wasn't I never would've met you. I wouldn't change that for anything, well except to bring you back. I took you away from your family. If it wasn't for me you would still be alive". His crying started to ease off a little as he thought about what to say next. "I saw my doctor. I told him about what happened. I was going to marry you, Ianto. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I knew I couldn't but that didn't stop me from wanting too. Did you know? This is my first time back to Cardiff after what happened. I see you everywhere. Sometimes, just for a moment, I feel like you're still with me. Maybe you are. I Haven't died long enough to know if there really is an after life sort of thing. I always get dragged back here. I really wish you were here, Jones. You need to know, you weren't a blip in time for me. I will never forget you. In a Million years time i will still think of you everyday. I will still come back to this spot see you Ianto Jones. I want you to know, I love you. I don't know why I never said it before. I really wish I had. I Love you Ianto Jones. I always have, I always will. I love you, Ianto. My Ianto". " Also, Happy Anniversary, Cariad" he said, as he kissed the grave.

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