The Year that Never Happened

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(A/N: Got the idea for this from one line GDL said on a panel once. Enjoy. 

TW: mild gore description)

Jacks POV:

I've been stuck in this room for around 4 months now. Just being killed and brought back over and over again. The doctor is only a room away, just as the Jones' are, but we're defenceless against him. He's fucking psychotic. Most of the human race is dead or imprisoned somewhere. I've over heard conversations about Martha. She's looking for a way to kill him. I hope she succeeds. This is hell. Every day is just more and more torture. I'm not sure I will be able to keep coming back anymore. It's taking longer and longer each time. I have no idea where the team are. They could be anywhere. For all I know they could be on this ship. I hate not knowing.

The Master finally walked into the room. It's been around 5 weeks since his last visit. He was surrounded by 4 armed officers, with his wife was by his side. She kept giving him loving looks as if she was hypnotized by his presence. "Hello Jack, how you doing matey?!" The master questioned with finger guns in a jokey tone. "What do you want?" I replied. "Well, I thought I should be the one to tell you what your little team are up to". With that sentence, panic flows through my body. He gives me a smirk in response to the anger on my face. "What have you done to them?!". "Nothing! How rude of you to assume I've done anything? Although, they aren't all doing the best right now" he says ending with a big cartoony frown. "If anything has happened to them, I will-" "You'll what?" I stare into his eyes. I can't do anything to him. He is practically invincible. Every plan we've made to escape has failed. "Seriously, I'm curious now. What will you do?". I brake my eye contact with him. "Well, I have some entertainment for your stay, how cool is that?! I'll have a monitor brought in so you can watch the fun that's going on right now. It's all live and I am sure you will love it" He snaps his fingers and a 5th guard enters holding a medium sized monitor. They place down the monitor on a small table in front of me, making it almost hard to look at anything else. They press a few buttons on a TV remote, and suddenly the black screen lights up. The screen shows 4 figures on the screen. There are 'toclafane' flying about, somehow not seeing them. I don't recognize the figures at first, but then I hear a voice. "Non of my scans are picking any of them up!" Tosh yells, clearly panicked by the situation they're all in. "Tosh-" I mumble under my breathe, as I notice the others. Owen, Gwen, and Ianto. All of their clothing looks beaten up and messed up. A few extra injuries on their skin. "Just for you to keep in mind, you will be able to watch this whenever you like. There is no way to turn it off. So much FREE entertainment! I should be charging you, but I'm not. How kind am I?" The Master smiles at me. "I'll see you later. Guards!" He snaps his fingers again and all 5 guards and his wife all leave. Now, I just get to sit here are watch this.

"There must be some way we can get out of this" Ianto's voice comes from the screen. His voice full of fear, despite his attempts to cover it up. "There is nothing we can do. Oh god. There is nothing we can do" Gwen yells as she realizes. "Where the fuck is Jack right now anyway? He is probably off in some space bar getting shagged by some aliens or something, while we're here fighting for our fucking lives" Owen questions. I would much prefer that to where I currently am. If only they knew I wished I was with them right now, making sure they were okay. "Listen, we can't let Rhys die in vain. We need to carry on. For Rhys" Tosh encourages, attempting to uplift the team. Rhys is dead? I never should've left them. This is all my fault. "For Rhys" Ianto, Gwen and Owen all say in unison. The group of them all draw their guns. They're still hiding from the toclafane. I see Ianto mouth the words "three, two, one" and suddenly they all get up and start running. They start shooting at the enemy, their bullets being completely useless. Now they've been spotted. There were only around 3 before, but now more have been alerted due to the noise. Another 20 head straight towards the team. The spikes come out. I sit there watching the team. My team. Completely defenseless. I take my eye off of the screen for just a moment, when I hear a loud scream. A male scream. Quickly followed by a "OWEN!". Tosh runs to him first, followed by Gwen. Ianto defends them. I start trying to break from the restraints as I watch Owen bleed onto Tosh's hands. This must be fake. There is no way this could be real. The Master would only have to jump a couple of years to find technology that could create something like this. Yes. I'm sure. It must be fake. He just wants to see me suffer. I won't let him. I close my eyes and try to calm myself. Although i can no longer see the horrors on the screen, i can still hear them. I hear Tosh trying to rush and see how she can help Owen. I hear Gwen by his side telling him how it will all be okay. I can hear Ianto trying to defend the others singlehandedly. "OH GOD NO!". I open my eyes to see what had just happened. I opened my eyes to see yet another body. Tosh was collapsed over Owens body. A mix of their blood seeping into the ground beneath them. I hear Gwen's cries as she realizes what has just happened. I can tell she doesn't know what to do. This is horrible to watch. I close my eyes again. I don't want to see this. I've seen my teams die so many times but i don't want to lose this one. Not this time. Please. All i hear is Gwen's cries become louder and more distinct. Ianto is still defending her. I continue to keep my eyes closed for another 2-3 minutes. Suddenly the loud and horrifying sound of crying stops. I open my eyes hoping that this footage has been turned off. I guess that was wishful thinking. I see Gwen's blood joining Tosh's and Owen's. In a blink of an eye almost everyone i care about is dead. This is horrible. This is cruel. Why is the Master making me watch this? That sadistic asshole. I see Ianto's head turn as he also notices Gwen's stopped crying. He turns around to see he is only defending a pile of bodies. I see the hope in his eyes die. I watch as he looses all faith. He runs over to the bodies, just to be sure. I watch as he checks all their pulse's His hands now covered in blood. Ianto. Oh god i wish you didn't have to see this. I wish that it was me there. Not you. You shouldn't have to go through that. I watch his face as he silently sobs. "WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME WATCH THIS?" I yell, but  was met with silence. I was about to yell some more, when i see Ianto speak. "Jack, If you're out there. If there is anyway you may be seeing this. If you're not dead, or at some space bar hitting it off with some alien. Please. Help me. Don't let me die out here.". I'm here Ianto. I'm here. I wish i could fucking do something. I can't watch him die. Not him. I knew i should've asked him to go out with me sooner. Why did i wait so long? Why did i leave him? And the rest of the team. A toclafane gets close to him. Almost killing him. My clothes are wet from my tears. I can now hardly see with my eyes open. "Jack, Before i go.." No Ianto. Don't say that. You cannot be going anywhere. "You need to know.." SHUT UP IANTO. THIS WILL ALL BE FINE. YOU WILL BE OKAY. "I know i never really said anything..." Toclafane are so close to killing him. Please. Why? Why him? "but, I love you...". NO IANTO. Suddenly it all goes quiet. The toclafane go away. As Ianto's body drooped over the rest, His tears fell and mixed with the blood. 

Oh my god. My team. My entire team. All gone. Right before my eyes. And my helpless ass couldn't even do anything. I just got to sit here and watch them die. This is sick. Even for him this is far. Owen, Tosh, Gwen... and Ianto. I start weeping silently. Trying to react as little as possible, and failing. 

A week passes. The screen is still yet to be turned off. I suppose i should be grateful, I haven't been killed for a week. I've just been left, in this room, all alone, with this image Infront of me. Each day, I've seen their bodies rot away just a little more. Each day, there is less and less flesh. Just bones and clothes. Just bodies left to the forces of nature, if nature still even exists in this apocalypse. These images are haunting. They will forever be in my memory. I cannot sleep. I just keep seeing it happen over and over. Its horrible. This is horrible. Why couldn't the master just kill me. God that would be better then this. Another hour passes. The screen turns black. Finally, its over. "Knock Knock!" I know that fucking voice. In steps the Master. Grinning, as per usual. "Did you like my movie? Very entertaining i thought. Don't you agree?" . "You are fucking sick, you know?" I reply. There is a moment of silence. "Well, i have a lot to do, you know, I'm a very busy man, so I'll be back tomorrow. I have a gift for you!" With that, he leaves the room once more. A Gift?! That can only mean something bad. I am expecting the worst tomorrow. Probably some new torture device or something. God i just want to die.

New day. I suppose today I'll find out what the Masters "Gift" is. I am trying to be optimistic, but that is hard in this situation. I am stuck here, my team dead, the doctor not able to do anything, Martha gone. God i am in a bad position right now. This is truly horrible. Suddenly, i feel the horribly familiar feeling of electricity blasted through my body. Back to the regular schedule again! I will be dead in a moment. I barley react anymore. I feel numb to the pain by now. Everything goes black.

I gasp a breath of air, The Master standing Infront of me. "Ah! You're back! Finally! i was waiting for so long! Longer then it was the first few times. I wonder how many times you'll be able to drag yourself back here" my mind doesn't register anything he says. I mean, i only just woke up for fucks sake. "Time for your gift! Happy Birthday". It's not my birthday. He steps out of the way to reveal a clothing manikin wearing an oh so familiar outfit, although it is ripped and covered in mud, dirt and blood. It was a red shirt accompanied with a black striped tie and a matching pinstripe suit. It is Ianto's suit. The one he was wearing in that video. It can't be his. It can't actually be HIS suit. "Don't you like it? i thought you would probably want to spend some more time with the little tea boy of yours, so i brought him here! well, what was left of him anyway. I think it is a very thoughtful gift!" I can't tell if i want to cry or throw up. This is disgusting. Ianto. My Ianto. Reduced to just being a torture method for me. He was brutally murdered just so the Master could have more fun watching me suffer. This is my fault. All their deaths were my fault. Now i get to sit here and watch his bloodstained suit. "You are disgusting. You are truly disgusting.". I stare at him, holding the tears in my eyes. "Now, that's not very nice, is it? I'll see you in a month or so when i next visit. Bye Bye Immortal Man" The master leaves my room. The silence is so loud. The only sound is my breathing and the pipes of the ship. I continue to stare at the suit. "I am sorry. I am so sorry Ianto".

A few weeks pass. Normal routine. Instead now, i don't even get the moment of hope that he is still out there. Every time i wake up, the first thing i see is his pinstripe suit, covered in dirt and blood. A constant reminder of what this man will do to see us suffer. I will get out of here. It will be okay. I will kill him if its the last thing i do. For Ianto. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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