First Date (2/2)

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The day was a pretty usual day. One weevil attack, so the gang went to deal with that and put the weevil in the vaults. There had been a increasing amount of weevils being put into the vaults, but as long as no civilians got hurt that wasn't a massive issue. Since Ianto and Jack were going to be out that night the others stayed a little later too look after the place. It was 6 PM and Ianto had just headed back home to get changed. Jack did a bit of paperwork but also got changed, at the hub. Jack walked down the stairs in a simple suit look. Not too formal, that wasn't his style, but he wanted to look nice for Ianto.

"Oh Jack! You look Stunning, you do! Tosh, Owen, Look!" Gwen exlaimed as she watched Jack walk down the stairs. Everyone turned around to look too. "Wow Jack, you do look great!" Tosh added. "Mm, Looks a bit gay." Owen said as the girls turned to face him annoyedly. "Not in a bad way, I mean, he is literally going out with a man so-" Owen rushed trying to explain himself for some reason. "Do you think Ianto will like it?" Jack asked. "I'm sure he will! You look fabulous Jack" Gwen replied in a confident tone. The captain just smiled. Although he was considering changing his outfit... for the 4th time already. He wanted this date to go perfectly. No, he needed this date to go perfectly. "Well, You'd better make sure you're ready to go. He'll be here soon!" Tosh exclaimed loudly. "Yeah, she's right Jack, Its 6:45 now." Gwen yelled as Jack left the room going back to his office to grab his beautiful blue trench coat, his wallet, because he couldn't let Ianto pay, his phone, and keys. "Okay, my comms will be on all through the date so get ahold of me if you need me. Although, please only contact me if it is absolutely necessary" Harkness made clear, as the hub entrance door opened.

The Welshman dressed in a new dark red 3 piece suit walked through the door, while looking around for a moment until his eyes felt onto the captain. "You- You look so-" Ianto muttered in disbelief. "I look terrible, don't I? I can go change if you wan-" Jack tried argue. "Beautiful. You look so beautiful." Ianto finished, as he looked into Jacks eyes. It was one of those moments where it felt like they had to kiss. That feeling was suddenly cut short by Tosh. "Boys, its 7, you'd better be going before you're late!". "Are you sure you can manage everything?" Jack asked uncertainly. "Jack, are you forgetting when you disappeared for 3 months? We'll manage. Now go!" Gwen yelled as Ianto and Jack walked out the door. When they reached the docks, they walked over to where Ianto had parked his car.

"So Jones, Where are we off too?" Jack asked as he sat in the passenger seat. "Well, The restaurant is called 'Méchant loup', Its french." Ianto explained and started the engine. "Sounds good! French is fun. The people and place, not the language. Just after the war, I became pretty close with this one french guy, so I tried to learn french for him, but it's just too confusing- The only other human language I tried to learn, well other then Welsh. I've gotten pretty good at Welsh. If I say so myself" Jack ranted while Ianto was driving to their destination. "There is no way that you can say ANYTHING in Welsh successfully-" Ianto chuckled in disbelief. "Yes i can!". "Say something in Welsh then". "Alright, Rydw I'n hoffi coffi" Jack said with much confidence. "'I like coffee?' Really? Is that the best you can do? More or less everyone in Wales can say that" Ianto exclaimed snarkily as he parked the car. "Well, at least my pronunciation is good" Jack uttered annoyed. "Well, we're here so..." Ianto explained while he tapped the steering wheel with his fingers and then him and Jack both proceeded to take off their seatbelts.

When they entered the restaurant they were greeted by an incredible scene. The floor was covered by red carpet, there was a chandelier illuminating the room and all the waiters were in suits carrying platters with those silver domes covering the food beneath. "Wow- This really is posh-" Jack gasped utterly shocked. "Yeah, Rhiannon wasn't lying-" Ianto agreed. The pair walked up to the counter with arms linked. There was a waitress standing and doing something on the computer Infront of her. "Um, Hello, We have a reservation for 7:30?" Ianto asked the young waitress. "What's the name sir?" She questioned back. "Jones, Ianto Jones". "Found it, right this way sir" said the waitress as she guided the pair to their table. Their table was right next to a window, so they could see the passers by and how the sun was slowly setting and it was starting to rain lightly.

The waitress handed the menus to the men and informed them that she'd be back in a moment to take their drink orders. "I don't even know what half of these things are-" Jack muttered to himself, and decided he would just pick something at random and hope its nice. He will always try something once. Ianto on the other hand decided he'd get 'steak au poivre' which from reading the description sounded rather nice. "So- Um- What are you getting-?" Ianto asked as it suddenly struck him that he was out. on a date. with his boss. Captain Jack Harkness. "Not sure but I'll pick something". "Jack, i just want to say, I'm really happy you decided to go out with me. But I hope that you did this because you wanted to, and not out of pity for me or something-" Ianto muttered to Jack in a sad tone. "Ianto, What would make you think I would only want to be here with you out of pity? Don't you see how much you matter to me?" Jack replied, while Ianto was just thrilled that Jack said he mattered to him. "I don't know. I mean, I never really though you wanted something like this. I always though i was just.. I don't know- It doesn't matter" Ianto explained, as Jacks expression look only seemed to get more and more concerned. "I know you're thinking something. Just say it Yan.". "a cheep shag-" Ianto finally answered as he looked at the floor. "What would the two of you like to drink?" the same young waitress from before asked. "A bottle of Champaign, Please? and two glasses" Jack responded dismissively, and then the waitress walked away. Ianto looked up but was not looking Jack in the eye. "Ianto look at me" Jack instructed as he held out a hand to Ianto's face and pulled it up to look at him. "You have never been, and could never be a 'cheep shag' to me Ianto. You matter to me. I always wanted us to be more then what we were but i was scared, I guess. I- I love you- I love you Ianto. I've know I loved you since we cough Myfanwy together. I wanted to kiss you so badly then. Once I hired you, I tried to ignore it since I try not to make a habit of falling for my employees, especially my straight employees. But these past months, I've realized that this feeling hasn't gone away. I don't think it will ever go away. I don't think I've ever loved anyone more then you Ianto. Never even for a moment think I only see you as a cheep shag. I Love you Ianto Jones". Ianto was crying listening to Jack explain this to him. Jack reaches out his hand to clear Ianto's tears. "I'm sorry. was that to much in one go? I don't want to precure you. I want to go at your own pace. I want you to be hap-" Jacks words were interrupted by the blissful feeling of Ianto's lips against his own. After a moment they pulled away for air. "I love you too, Jack. I love you."

The rest of the night went amazingly. Although Ianto at one point made eye contact with one of Rhiannon's friends through the window at one point but she probably didn't realize that it was Ianto. It was now 9:47. They got the bill and Jack paid although Ianto was not thrilled by that. He didn't want Jack spending money on him. The pair got back into the car. "Alright, so shall I take you back to the hub or-?" Ianto asked Jack. "Actually, if I wouldn't be intruding, could I stay at yours tonight? I mean, it wouldn't be the first time I've woken up in your bed. Also, this morning when tosh annoyingly arrived on time, I would like to see you without this stunning suit on. I do like this one. But it would look better on your floor" Jack said with his signature smile. "Oh, alright, Harkness. If that's what you so desire" Ianto replied grinning back at Jack. "Oh it is". "Thank you, for tonight. I really enjoyed spending time with you Yan". "Me too" They said, smiling at each other. "Okay, but agreed as soon as we get home we are taking these off?" Jack yelled back at Ianto. "Yes, Obviously. But lets get home first, before you say something that makes me crash the car" Ianto replied.

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