-Volume 2- Raini

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We all heard about the tradegy. The Mad Hatter murdered Darren Beauty. It wasn't the suicide story that moved all our hearts as a community. It was a horror.

We didn't know this until Allison Hatter told officials that Maggie had stolen The Storybook and rewrote her faith.

The storybook holds what will become of our lives. No one is allowed to see it until after they turn 21. Changing it is a huge deal, and we are taught right from the womb to never do it. So, Maggie is arrested and is on death row. Not only for Darren's death, but for framing Hatter, emotional distress to the families, and for selling Ana Wolf to cannibals in the forbidden village.

We all felt so bad for Allison. She's happily married to Howlan now, and she's somewhat feeling okay. My mom is always talking to Alice.

Alice is always saying how Allison has lost her spunk, her fierce attitude. And it's true. She used to always have great comebacks or something funny to say. Now she's more polite and humble. Something like a princess. Which is something she wasn't, and never wanted to be.

I sighed, and I snapped out of my thoughts of Allison and continued brushing my hair. Most people tell me how much of a pain they think it would be to have fair like mines.

After all, it's 55 feet long.

I put the long pile of silky, straight hair into a ponytail and I walked down the stairs. I tripped, but I felt two hands catch me by my arms.

" Woah, easy there Raini. " I turned around to see the familiar smolder of my father, Flynn.

" Morning dad! " I gave him a hug.

" Good morning, but get to school or you'll be late. " I nodded and bounded down the stairs to the mirror in the living room.

" WAIT! "
For the second time this morning, I turned around again.

" Don't forget your lunch! " I looked into my mother's beautiful green eyes, and big wide smile. "

" Oh, thanks mom. " I gave her a huge hug and looked back at the portal. " Mirror, mirror on the wall... Bring this sophomore to the school's halls. "

After my painful transition, I accidentally fell into a classroom where I didn't want to be.

I had a feeling the mirror did this on purpose. Oh, geeze...

Dexter Beast is in here.

I slowly tried laying low and crawling out of the class room.

It's moments like these I forget about the one thing that will always blow my spot.

" Hey, Raini! "

Oh my god. Your crush talking to you in the morning is almost as awkward as bumping into Gothel in the supermarket.

I had a crush on Dexter Beast, and there was rumors about him liking me too. I didn't wanna believe it. Who would fall for the girl who was always tripping. Especially on her own hair.

" Need help? " He took me by the hand and had me sit next to him. We did have this class together, but I didn't sit with him. I usually sat with Blanca Rabbit. I guess she can go 45 minutes without me.

The bell rang after about 10 minutes, and class started.

As soon as Blanca saw me with Dexter, she wiggled her eyebrows and sat a row behind me.

" Class, before we start, I'd like to announce that we have a trip to Fairydun. "

The whole class bursted out in whispers. Me and Dexter looked at each other wide eyed.

Why? Why there?

Blanca leaned in. " Fairydun, huh? Guess we'll be seeing good old Maggie in her cell. "

Dexter turned around to her. " How long was her sentence, again? "

Blanca looked away awkwardly and I looked down at my bright purple nails. " D-death row. "

Dexter stayed silent. Blanca snapped out of her mini daze and scoffed. " She deserves it! Allison was the joy and heart of this school, now she's so quiet. I doubt she's as happy as she acts with Howlan! "

We were all quiet after that. The permission scrolls were handed out as we left class.

When I got home, my mother was play fighting with dad as usually. She was running after him with her pan, giggling as he blocked her with a pillow. I decided to pick up and pillow and join in on beating dad down.

" Raini! I thought you lover your old man. " He gave his signature smolder and my mom came to hug me. "

" Mom? "
" Yeah? "
".... Fairydun. How is it? "
My mom and dad looked at each other awkwardly.

" It's hard... " My father retreated to his room.

My mom sighed and held me by the shoulders. " Why do you want to know? "
" We have a trip there. "

My mom looked at me wide eyed. " But why.... Why now? "

I looked at her with my terror, mixed with excitement.

" No one who isn't staff or a prisoner has ever been inside Fairydun for 1,000 years. "

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