20. The distance

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It's been 1 year since Vikram and Siya distanced each other.

The distance was like river of fire between them.

Vikram told Siya everything about that night and as a result Siya decided to maintain distance because according to her their limits were already crossed. Even though it was a mistake but she was blaming herself and on the other side Vikram was suffering because of the one mistake he did.


"Sir you promised me that you will tell me about that night" siya said following Vikram everywhere on the college corridor.

Vikram sighed and turned towards her resulting Siya bumping on his chest "Okayyy fine, i will tell you today. Meet me after the classes" he said.

It's not like he didn't wanted Siya to know About last night but he knows well that if she will come to know she will distance herself from him and blame her condition.

He can't see her Vanish in front of her eyes.


They both went to cafe coffee day because Vikram was well aware that how much she loves coffee.

"See Siya i am going to tell you everything but promise me you will not blame yourself and you did nothing wrong..okay!!" Vikram said keeping his hands on the table and joining his fingers making a bridge.

She nodded in yes.

Vikram started explaining her everything in a positive way but for Siya there was nothing positive in it.

"Its.... it's my fault. I....I shouldn't have crossed my limits". Siya said keeping her hands on her forehead.

"No Siya it's not you fault. You were drunk. I was the one who did all this and i was not even drunk. If i have controlled myself then this would have not happened. It's me who's at fault not you. Stop blaming yourself for everything". Vikram said sitting on his knees beside her and holding her hands.

She got up from the chair and grabbed her bag and said "sorry sir but being a student i should have maintained my limits. I think we should keep distance from now on until you leave this college" she said and walked out of the cafe.

Vikram was sitting there broken.

"Shittt...fuck you Vikram, you should have controlled yourself if you knew this was coming" he said to himself throwing chairs.

The only thought that was going in Vikram's mind was that how he will live without her. What if the distance between them will make them fall apart.

Vikram used to teach them and leave without making any eye contact with Siya.

He was craving to look at her, feel her touch, her hugs , her smile but the distance between them and Siya's decision never allowed him to.

Vikram Pratap singh who used to claim everything he wants now is craving for  a glance of a girl.

Seeing Vikram's and Siya's distance Arohi was aware that something is not right between them.

"Siya what happened between you and Vikram sir" she asked siya but Siya ignored her and walked away.

Arohi being Arohi, she followed her and asked until Siya stopped ignoring her.

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