49. Sangeet

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A deep voice echoed and all the head snapped towards that voice

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A deep voice echoed and all the head snapped towards that voice.

People were all standing there looking terrified, even though they had done nothing. Vikram's aura is enough to make people go crazy, but Vidhut was the only one who had a sly smile on his face. As the head of the household, Vidhut Pratap Singh is powerless to oppose his wife and son. He knows that if he speaks out, his wife will instigate drama, and he also knows that only Vikram can take care of the family after him.

Siya opened her eyes and looked at him with the assurance that if he's is there Aditya will not do anything.

Aditya withdrew his hand. Siya turned to face Arav, who stood there unflinching.

"This is your home not a Combat arena, so fucking act like mature people" Vikram said taking steps towards Aditya with his back facing Siya's face.

"Don't interfere in my business"

"It's you who started this first, interfering in my life and now i will interfere in yours" Vikram said contradicting Aditya's words.

Trailing his fingers through his hair, Aditya walked away.

Vikram turned and looked at Arav and then at Siya. Their eyes meet giving shivers to both of them. Siya diverted her eyes from Vikram to Arav.

"Go from here, papa needs you there and i am fine, so don't worry about me"

Vikram noticed the tension between Siya and Arav. He knew something was wrong and they are hiding something.

Following Arav outside he grabbed his collar and asked

"It's you who killed my man which I have sent to investigate about your family. Isn't it?"

"If you are aware of the fact that what i can do then why are you playing with fire Vikram" Arav said in a mocking way.

"Why are you doing this ?"


Vikram's hold on Arav's collar loosened at the mention of the name. He was perplexed.

"What do you mean to say? You claim that she is the reason behind your actions, so may I ask you why?

"Everything depends on her Vikram. Ask her, force her to say and she'll tell you the real reason and if you can't do this then don't ask me to reveal anything because i am bound to keep quiet and it's Siya stopping me"

Vikram was standing there calculating all the things. He raised his eyebrows.


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