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I wish I was never born; then everything would have been perfect; my mother would not have to bear all this forcefully; and my brother would have gotten all the love he deserved.

I felt a droplet of water on my cheeks.

"Oh, it's raining, what a pleasant weather; to take my life," I said, extending my hands and feeling each drop of water.

I took the knife out of my bike's built-up basket and placed it on my wrist, making a cut. Tears left my eyes as pain rushed through my body.

The blood slowly dripped from my wrist and mixed with the rainwater on the ground, making the whole ground red.

But then I heard someone crying. Hearing that voice made the knife slip out of my hand, and then suddenly I had a realization of what I was going to do.

Shit! Siya, what were you going to do? What would have happened to your parents? Fuck.

"I should have died." I heard the same voice again.

I glanced sideways and saw a sobbing person on their knees. I walked towards him and hugged him; his shoulders were too broad to fit in my hands.

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