💖 | Crush

312 3 6

Chapter includes :

- Fluff
- Little angst


Sean was walking to the music room, rehearsals would be starting soon. While walking he started thinking about Jake, his cute smile, his lovely voice, how his hair bounced perfectly in sync with his steps as he walked. Soon enough he snapped out of his thoughts and entered the music room, no one was in there yet because he came early.

He swept the floors, his mind constantly snapping back to Jake. No matter how many times he'd try to snap out of it, his mind would always wander back to Jake. Sean had developed a crush, he didn't realize it at first and thought it was just an admiration for the boy, but he eventually accepted it.

He grew a little sad thinking about Jake, how he had a crush on Daisy, how they would never be together. He came back to reality when Milly walked in, the others followed soon after. He put the broom up and got to his area. Jake ended up being late, but not as late as usual. They began rehearsals a few minutes after he entered, tho every few minutes Sean caught himself looking over at Jake.

After rehearsals everyone left other than Jake and Sean. Jake's mind had also been plagued with Sean, how he wanted Sean to hold him, to be able to stroke his hair, how he had the strong desire to cuddle him all day. He felt sad, sad because he thought Sean had a crush on Daisy. Sad that he'll never be able to cling to him when he had a rough day, never be able to feel Sean's arms around him.

Today was rough for the both of them, they were both sad thinking about how they'll never be together. Jake snapped out of his thoughts, beginning to look longingly at Sean, wanting to at least hug him, Jake spaced out, his body subconsciously running over to Sean and hugging him tightly.

Sean looked shocked by Jake's sudden hug, but quickly hugged back, loving the feeling of the boy in his arms. They hugged for a while, Jake finally snapped out of it, surprised to see his head snuggled into Sean's chest. He quickly backed away, repeatedly saying sorry. Sean, of course, didn't mind so he cupped his cheek telling the boy that it's okay.

Jake blushed at this, his hands going to cover his face. Sean stopped him and caressed the youngers cheek with his thumb, looking right into his eyes. He had been building up the courage to confess his feelings and thought now was the perfect time.

"I love you" Sean said quietly, but loud enough Jake could hear. He looked away quickly, debating if he should stay or run off, he clearly didn't think this through.

Jake was shocked, Sean just said he loved him, his crush just told him they loved him too. He teared up, softly grabbing Sean's face, turning it so he faced him. Sean saw the tears that had started to form and quickly asked if he was okay. Jake replied with a soft but meaningful kiss.

Sean was taken aback by this, eventually he kissed back,holding the others cheek with his other hand rubbing his back. He enjoyed every moment like it would be the last. Tho soon enough the kiss was broken, Jake could only smile at his new lover, Sean picked him up,holding him close.

They had to go to class shortly after, Jake told Sean they could hang out at his house after school, Sean, of course, agreed and they both were excited for the day to end.


611 words

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