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??: I don't understand our Queen. Why does she shoot someone and then fix what she did?

Yn: Because it makes the game more fun to play. Any other questions? *Death glare* 

??: N-no Qu-queen. 

The nurse shuttered and ran for her life closing the door and running off. Jungkook and Taehyung were lying on their beds barely conscious. They shivered feeling a gust of cold wind coming in contact with their skin. Jungkook manages to open one eye and sees Yn and Yuri entering after the Nurse runs for her life.

Yn: Baby bunny woke up? 

JK: Yah! Don't call me that. I DO NOT look like a bunny. 

He says scrunching his nose, folding his arms while having a cute pout on his kissable lips, looking adorable and all cuddly with that behaviour. Yn was in awe looking at him but managed to maintain a straight face after realizing what she was feeling. She felt an emotion she had never felt before. What was that emotion? What was he doing to her?

Yn: You do look like a Bunny. 

JK: I swear to banana milk, I DON'T LIKE A BUNNY!

She burst out laughing along with the rest of the people in the room. Jungkook felt happy seeing her smile and laugh. Why though? Why did he feel that way? He shrugged it off and looked at his hyung with a cute glare asking with his eyes why he also laughed.

Yuri: My TaeTae also woke up, huh? 

Tae: Ayy! D-don't c-call me that. *Blushing while trying to control his smile*

Jungkook rolled his eyes knowing exactly what was happening to his hyung.

Yn: Jokes aside. SO! Do you know the reason I brought you two here?

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