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Mr. Park: Ah! No wonder he reminded me of him.

Yuri: So Jungkook O-oppa had a part in K-killing Unnie and Oppa, Eomma?

Mr. Park No, baby. He was a little kid, like you two. He knew nothing. He had suffered a lot since his parents were killed. He was hopeless. But I took care of him like you two, thinking of him as my son. Yn was 7 and he was 9. Yn and Kook used to play together all of the time until... Ji-Hyuk came back from Tunisia. He took Jungkook from me promising that he would take care of him but what did he do? He left him in an orphanage. That's where he found Taehyung.

Yuri: Appa, what about me? Was Oppa my friend too?

Mr. Park: Yes, my baby. He loved you like his little sister. You were 7 when he left.

Yn: I missed him so much. He made the absence of Oppa in my heart vanish away.

Yuri: Unnie, how is Jungkookie related to Ji-Hyuk?

Yn: Ji-Hyuk is his uncle. Remember Choi?

Yuri: Yeah, the one we killed.

Yn: Ji-Hyuk sent him to kill Kookie's parents and his little sister.

Yuri: What?! He had a sister?

Mr. Park: Hm, and she was your age. You two used to play whenever Jungkook's parents came to visit us.

Yn: Jungkook felt as if you were his sister, Jeon Jang-Mi.

Yn: Appa, I've planned to give them training.

Mr. Park: That's Amazing.

Yuri: Training starts tomorrow.

Yn: Yes, Good night, Appa.

Mr. Park: Good night my angels.


I remember you Ynie and Yuri-ya.

I missed you guys so much. Just as much as I miss Eomma, Appa and Jang-Mi.

A tear escaped my eyes. Both of you made me think Jang-Mi is not gone, she's still with me. I hope I was able to make you think that Jae-Hwa ( Yn and Yuri's Oppa ) was still there with you.

Suddenly my door swung open, I pretended to sleep. Slow footsteps approached me. That person sat next to me.

Yn: I hope you still remember us. I missed you so much that It hurts. I hope Yuri and I were able to make you feel that Jang-mi was there with you.

She pecked my forehead and left after pulling the duvet over me.

My heart ached with pain and happiness. She remembers me. I couldn't handle it anymore and I started crying my heart out. I didn't notice when I fell asleep.


Tae: Morning Appa. *Raspy morning voice*

JK: Morning Appa.

Yuri: Morning Baby, Oppa, Unnie and Appa.

Yn: Morning Potato, Bear, Drop and my handsome Appa.

Mr Park: Morning my babies. Let's have breakfast.

JK: Mhh...

They ate breakfast and then were about to stand up but Yn stopped them.

Yn: Kook and Tae, get ready, we're starting training TODAY.

JK: Okay, Carrot. *He left*

Yn: YAH! Bunny, you remember me?! Aish...He left. Carrot...

Jungkook used to call Yn Carrot as she always called him Bunny. He called her that because he used to say "If I'm a Bunny then you're my Carrot because a Bunny must have his Carrot with him."

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