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At around midnight, Yuri was discharged from the hospital and now all of them were on their way home. The vehicle was filled with silence.

Once they were home, Yuri was climbing the stairs when she tripped due to her weakness and almost fell but Tae was fast enough to catch her by her waist. They stood like that for a hot minute. They both came back to their senses and Tae picked her up in bridal style and took her to her room. Everyone stood there, feeling a warm emotion in themselves looking at the cute duo.

Yuri: Yah! Taehyung-ah! I'm okay, you don't need to do that.

Tae: Nope. You're not okay and I DO need to do that.

Tae took her to her room and laid her on the bed. He lay beside her.

Yuri: You're sleeping here?

Tae: Of course, you might trip over again and fall so I need to be here to take care of you.

Yuri: You sound like Yn Unnie. *giggles*

Tae looked at her beautiful face and asked himself what is she doing to him.

Tae: Okay now sleep, baby.

Yn: Baby? I like that name. That's what Unnie calls me.

Tae: Then let it be Baby girl.

Yn: Cheesy. Okay, let's sleep. Good night my bear.

Tae: Good night my cupcake.



Everyone had their breakfast and were now heading to Yn's Biggest mansion to make a plan.



All of them entered a meeting room and Yn sat on her throne-like chair, with her laptop on display since it was connected to a big screen in front of them.

Yn: As we know Ji-Hyuk stole Appa's chemicals and research papers as well as Eomma's blood medicine.

Jimin: Are we gonna get them back?

Yn: Not exactly but I have a good plan. Mr Kim, please come in.

Yn asked someone to enter and a man in a lab coat came in. He was tall, muscular with amazing looks and he was holding a tablet in his hand. His name was KIM NAMJOON.

Joon: Hello, Miss Park.

Yn: Hello, Mr Kim, please present the data.

Joon: Yes, so Ji-Hyuk has the chemicals that are very very rare and were made by Mr Park. Sir, may I know the actual blood type of your wife?

Mr Park: Her blood type was Rh null, also known as the golden blood since only 43 people in the world are known to have that but now, once she left the world, only 42 remain.

Joon: Yes, that's right. Also Rh null is very dangerous and if mixed with Botulinum Toxins, It can kill anything in a blink of an eye. And that's what Ji-Hyuk added to Yuri, but she survived due to the chemical compounds in her. Miss Park, your blood is also the golden blood, isn't it?

Yn: Yes and Yuri's blood is AB-, also a rare blood group and if mixed with Arsenic, It also kills people rapidly. Now, the point is that Ji-Hyuk doesn't know about Yuri's blood. Even though it is less toxic than mine, it is still deadly.

JK: So, we are going to make the mixture of AB- and Arsenic to kill him?

Joon: Sort of, but we will mix Scorpion venom, Arsenic, and Botulinum Toxins with Rh null and AB-. This will create the most deadly poison in the world. This has been used several times to kill royalty in the 1600s as there were more people with Rh null.

Yn: But before we make this, we will be going to Ji-Hyuk's lab and cloning all the information in his device as well as taking the chemicals in the lab.

Yuri: How? Will we send our men?

Tae: I don't think so. I think we will be going ourselves and doing that job while one of us will be in disguise as Ji-Hyuk's guards.

Yn: PERFECT! That's the plan. and we will do it as soon as possible as we don't have enough time. Each second counts.

Joon: So, I guess the plan-making is done?

Mr Park: Yes. Let's go home, thank you, Mr Kim.

Joon: Don't call me Mr Kim, sir, you're like my Appa.

Mr Park: Okay, son. We need to get going. See you soon.

All of them left and they were back home. They had their dinner and went to sleep.


AT 3:00 AM.


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