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Yn: Appa, they will help us to find the murderer of Unnie and Oppa.

Mr. Park: Oh, okay in that case.

Yuri: Hey! Why are you two laughing? * Pointed at Tae and JK *

JK: I'm sorry but, Kimchi? Gumdrop? That sounded funny to me.

Mr. Park: I like Kimchi and Gumdrops. I also love Yn and Yuri, so I call them that, although, I like Kimchi more... *Teasing*

Yuri: Appa!

Mr. Park: Hehe. Now, let me see... You! Ah, what's your name? Jungkook, right? I'll call you Potato Bunny. 

JK: YAH APPA! Why potato? And I swear to Banana Milk, I DO NOT LOOK LIKE A BUNNY!

Mr. Park: YOU DO look like a Bunny and Potato because I like Potato with Kimchi.


Mr. Park: What? Anyways, and you... Taehyung! I'll call you Gummy Bear.

Tae: Hm, okay, Appa.

Mr. Park: Kimchi, Gumdrop, go show Kook and Tae their rooms.

Tae: What about our clothes?

Mr. Park: I've got it all arranged. AND! Jungkookie, be careful with your hoodies, Yn liked stealing her Oppa's hoodies; you are a lot bigger than her, and she might steal your hoodies too, so, I'm giving you advance warning.

Yn: Appa, that was not necessary to tell him.

JK: Oh, it was, KiMcHi. *Smirk*

Yn: You!

Yuri: Come, Gummy Bear, Your Gumdrop is waiting for you.

Tae: C-coming...

JK: Potato with Kimchi is something you could eat for your whole life, right, Appa?

Mr. Park: Oh yes, son-in-law. *Smirk*

Tae and Yuri walk up the stairs and she shows him his room and tells him that her room is next to his and Jungkook's is next to Yn's.

Yn: Now, this is your- YAH-

Jungkook pulled her inside his room and pinned her to the wall while his hand on her mouth, preventing her from talking. His tattooed hand wrapped around her waist, giving a little rub on her curves.

JK: Shh... You talk too much.

Yn: Fffvuibgedjdfjnfnhdrwwsoedjnvnbsowpowoefvpqwmaxchfe.

JK: Huh? Anyways.

Jungkook kissed her jawline, then her under-jaw and lastly her neck but stopped there sucking her sweet spot. He then proceeded to give her a hickey. Jungkook was enjoying his time and what made it better was that Yn was moaning which turned him on, REALLY bad. Just as he was about to continue-


Jungkook fell on the bed holding his groin and whimpering in pain. Yn kicked his balls, quite hard.

JK: What was that for?! Don't blame me if we don't have kids in the future. *Pouted in pain*

Yn: I don't expect you to be that weak. *Smirk*

JK: You got me right baby girl.

Yn: Want another kick?

JK: H-h-hehe I was just joking around, Yn-shi. 

Yn: Hm, good. * Left *

After a while, Yn, Yuri and their dad gathered in the living room.

Mr. Park: So, Yn, He is Jeon Jungkook and the other is Kim Taehyung? 

Yn: Yes. Jungkook is the main person here so we need him. 

Yuri: But how, Unnie?

Yn: Jungkook is related to Jeon Ji- Hyuk.

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