22 4 3

Jimin: Yn-ah, look, you're also injured. At least treat your wounds.

Yn: Hm.

Yuri: Unnie! A simple "Hm" is not what we want! YOU are coming with us NOW to get your wounds treated.


Jungkook picked her up effortlessly as if she weighed nothing and moved towards a room for her to be treated. She kept wiggling, trying to get out of his stronghold and kept hitting him while he remained unbothered and didn't move a muscle.

Tae: Your sister is surely a hard one to handle, Yuri-ah. *whisper*

Yuri: Oh, you still don't know what she does. *whisper*


After Yn's wounds were treated and the bullet was removed, the doctor was shocked at what he saw in and on it.

Dr: Mr. Park, it seems that this bullet had a mixture of Rh null and Botulinum Toxins.

Jimin: Gosh, this guy is really on the game.

Dr: Not only that but there is a camera and voice recorder as well.

Tae: Wow.

Yn: Hm, so trying to act smart, Ji-Hyuk? Well, your plan failed this time as well. Better luck next time. *smirk*

Yn crushed the camera and recorder after giving the message to Ji-Hyuk.

Yuri: Koo Oppa, you're injured too, let's get you checked as well, what if there was another recorder or camera?

After treating Jungkook's wounds, the doctor inspected the bullet which was in him and told them that the bullet was harmless.

Dr: Although, he does need good rest as the wounds may be minor, but are deep and many.

Tae: Thank you doctor, Guys, let's head to the other mansion.

Jimin: Let's go.

They leave the hospital and enter their car. Yn laid her head on Jungkook's thigh and closed her eyes. Jungkook was taken aback and a tint of crimson appeared on his cheeks. The others laughed looking at his now tomato-like face. Soon Yn fell asleep and Jungkook rested his head on the seat and slept as well.



Tae: Yn-ah, Kook-ah, wake up. We're here.

The mansion:

The mansion:

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The 2 injured humans went to sleep and the others relaxed in the living room.

(Idk why but I feel like adding luxury pics to make you guys feel broke 😝)

The living room:

The living room:

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Yn's bedroom:

Jungkook's bedroom:

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Jungkook's bedroom:

Jungkook's bedroom:

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Yn sleeping:

Yn sleeping:

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Jungkook sleeping:

Jungkook sleeping:

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He screamed after he heard Yn's message and now he is totally out of control. His plan failed for the second time. All he knows now is that he has to do some real damage to the Park family.


I'm so sorry my darlings! I wrote this chapter at 4 in the morning and 3 hours before my exam. It is short. But don't worry the rest will be longer. Bye, SWEETIES! STAY HAPPY AND SAFE!

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