Chapter 2

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Tay is here. After second-guessing himself all morning and half of the afternoon, he finally made it to a clothing store in the plaza.

New is surrounded by studio lights and reflectors. An older woman is fuzzing over his hair. Another one is patting his face with a makeup brush. He stands still and lets himself be manhandled by the professionals. He looks great, Tay notes. New always looks amazing but under the bright lights, he looks divine.

Everyone is too busy to notice Tay's presence. He has never gone unnoticed in a room. But today, New steals all the attention. Tay takes advantage of his inconspicuousness and stands in the back to quietly observe.

"Last Outfit for today!" A lady who has rushed forward to fix the lapels on New's jacket declares. She adjusts the jewelry on his ears and smiles. New returns the smile and pats her back as she retreats. Tay knows that it is a universal gesture of appreciation but the shrimp he ate for lunch rises in his throat.

This is ridiculous. He is territorial over someone who has his number saved as JustTay. Absolutely ludicrous! New is making him crazy. He should have stuck to watching the actor on TV. To pining from afar. He hates the word; pining. But it is in every practical sense what he has been doing for six months now.

He should not have invited New into his world. New seems the type to fill up every space he walks (storms) into. He has been here for just a week and has already taken up space in more than half of Tay's world. Very soon, there'll be nowhere left for him to hide.


Tay snaps to attention. Talk about hiding, he should be better at it. A few heads turn to look at him and the relaxed air around them dissipates. It is a common occurrence when Tay walks into a room. He does not like it but he has come to understand that it comes with the territory of being the boss. He gives them a curt nod and waves a finger for them to carry on. They bow stiffly and return to their duties albeit more robotically than before. He sighs and looks up to find New's eyes on him. The actor's bottom lip is held between his teeth and he looks to be suppressing a smile. Their eyes linger for a few more seconds until the camera shutters go off and New the model makes an appearance.

It could be wishful thinking, however, it feels like New is putting on a show, and Tay, God help him, buys out the entire front row. He is transfixed to every bend of his body, every bounce of the light on his bright skin, every flash of his smile. His lips. His eyes. Oh God, his waist. His—everything!

He should NOT be here.

Tay takes a step back to disappear just as quietly as he came.

"That's all for today." The photographer announces. "You were as wonderful as always, New."

"Thank you, Phi," New responds but his eyes have found Tay's again. No way to escape quietly now. He lifts a hand and waves Tay over.

Tay goes to him. Several eyes trail after him as he does. No one has ever summoned him by the mere wiggle of their fingers before. But no one else is New Thitipoom.

"Young Master," New whispers when he is close enough, his tone conspiratorial as if no one else is privy to the nickname.

"New," he nods in greeting.

"Has anyone told you about your eyes?"

"No one has been brave enough to. But I get the feeling you have no qualms telling me about them."

"They are intense." He pauses when the woman from before comes to collect the jacket and earrings. "I bet it's why you terrify people despite your wide smile," he carries on as if there was no interruption.

"Why aren't you terrified?"

"I'm New," he shrugs like it answers the question. And Tay hates that it really answers the question. "And," he adds with another smile. "I kind of like scary things."


Tay walks side by side with his new acquaintance towards his car in the parking lot. The sun has settled behind the clouds and a soft breeze sweeps through the atmosphere, ruffling hairs and swishing skirts. He glances to his right at New, face now free of makeup and previously styled hair now finger combed into bangs on his forehead. His white T-shirt is tucked into blue high-waisted jeans and his boot-clad feet clomp on the terrazzo of the parking lot. Must everything he does be noteworthy?

You're just obsessed with him.

Tay shuts down the unwanted voice in his head and stops by his Benz. "So this is it," he gestures lamely at the car and feels his face warm up when New chuckles.

"Awn, did you bring out your pretty car to impress me?"

Yes, he did. Tay sputters "No, I didn't. I—," he trails off when New throws his head back and laughs.

"Relax, young master." New adjusts the straps of his bag on his shoulder, chest still heaving with laughter.

"It's Tay," he grumbles.

"I was just pulling your legs, Tay. Come on, what else do you want to impress me with?"

Tay does not give him the reaction he wants. "Do you still want a tour of the city?"

New stops laughing to mull over this. "I don't know. I've been shooting all day. How about this, what do you do on Saturday evenings?"

Watch you on TV. He doesn't say that. "Just chill at home."

"Don't you have any friends?" Concern laces the actor's usually playful tone.

"I do but they have lives outside of me. We make time for each other when we need to."

"Good thing I'm here now, huh?" His devilish smile indicates that it is a far cry from good that he's here. "So your place or mine?"

"W-what?" Tay stumbles on the single word. This man is breaking him.

"Do you want to hang out at yours or in my hotel suite?"

"Which would you prefer?" He gets the words out without trouble. Fortunately.

New grins and sticks the tip of his tongue out in a way that makes Tay think obscene thoughts. "I kind of want to see how a young master lives."

Tay rolls his eyes but he feels a smile forming on his face. "My place it is then."

A/N: Feedback pleaseee or I'll never write in my life again!!!

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