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"Take me home."

That was all Mingi needed to hear before practically dragging Yunho from the alley behind the bar to the parking lot.

Mingi brought Yunho to his car, a 2019 Mercedes-Benz c-class sedan, opening the door for him before walking around the front and hoping in himself.

"My place?" Mingi asked, receiving a nod from Yunho in confirmation.

Mingi started driving there, the tension in the car unbearable. Mingi glanced over, deciding to place one hand on Yunho's upper thigh.

Yunho bit his lip, putting his hand on top of Mingi's and slowly guiding it up a little. Mingi glanced over, moving his hand up a little higher on his own. Yunho suddenly scooted down in the seat, making it so Mingi's hand was directly on top of his hard dick.

Mingi was shocked at the sudden forwardness, but he kept his hand there, applying soft pressure and listening to Yunho sigh in pleasure.

"God you're so fucking hot," Mingi commented, brushing his hand against Yunho's hard on.

"How much longer? I'm impatient," Yunho whined slightly, looking at Mingi with needy eyes.

Luckily for him, Mingi just turned into his driveway. "Were here," he said in a teasing tone.

Yunho quickly unbuckled his seatbelt, Mingi doing the same as they both got out together. Mingi grabbed Yunho by the hand, quickly bringing him inside his house.

As soon as the two were inside, they both slipped their shoes off, but Yunho couldn't keep his hands off Mingi. He kissed him again, pressing Mingi up against the door as his hands wondered around Mingi's well built chest. Mingi's hands rested on Yunho's ass, grabbing at it and pulling him closer, effectively pushing their dicks together.

Mingi pulled away, dipping his head down to kiss Yunho's neck. "Oh my god," Yunho whispered, gently grinding on Mingi.

Mingi was in love, well, at least he was in love with how Yunho made him feel in that moment. He felt addicted to it.

Yunho let his jacket slide off his arms and fall to the ground behind him while Mingi slid his hands up the back of his shirt. Yunho allowed Mingi to pull his shirt off him, letting it join his jacket on the ground.

Mingi kissed Yunho again, a completley lust filled kiss unlike the others they had shared. Mingi turned Yunho around, the two walking toward Mingi's room while still kissing.

Yunho broke the kiss by pulling Mingi's shirt off, tossing it somewhere on his floor before kissing him again and allowing Mingi to lead him to his room.

Mingi shoved Yunho against the wall to his room, his hand grabbing at the waistband of Yunho's pants, unbuttoning them before his other hand finally found the door handle, opening his door. Mingi pulled them both into his room, shutting the door behind them.

Yunho pressed Mingi up against the door, holding one of his hands and holding it next to his head. Mingi bit his lip as Yunho's lips met his neck.

Mingi's head tilted, looking to the side at his hand. Shit, he might've just found his match. Mingi was great at switching in the middle of fooling around, and he loved to, but no one else could match it. Until now.

Yunho spun Mingi around, his bare chest now pressed up against the cold wooden door. Mingi looked back, arousal clear in his eyes. Yunho pressed a kiss under his jaw and slowly trailed down, biting softly at his neck.

Mingi pushed his ass against Yunho's hard cock, pleading for more with no words. Yunho's hands worked on slowly unbuttoning and unzipping Mingi's jeans while Mingi's stayed pressed against the door.

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