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When he woke up, Yunho initially felt really comfortable in the arms of Mingi, but then he freaked out a little as the memories of the prior night hit him like a truck.

Yunho turned around in Mingi's arms, looking at his pretty face. Yunho brushed a strand of hair from Mingi's forehead, tucking it behind his ear.

Mingi's eyes slowly fluttered open, looking directly into Yunho's. Mingi smiled, pulling Yunho a little closer.

"Good morning to you too," Yunho teased.

"It's not every morning I wake up with a pretty boy in my arms, indulge me?" Mingi replied, tucking his head into Yunho's neck.

Yunho just smiled slightly, his hand caressing Mingi's hair.

Ming shoved his face deeper into Yunho's neck, holding him close. Yunho smiled, not knowing just how clingy Mingi could be.

"I'm hungry, can I cook something?" Yunho said, one hand playing with Mingi's soft hair.

"If you want to, I don't have a lot of ingredients though," Mingi replied, voice muffled from Yunho's neck.

"Let go of me then," Yunho teased. Mingi pouted but complied, releasing Yunho from his hug. Yunho sat up, making his way to the kitchen.

Mingi sat up and stretched before hopping off the couch and following Yunho to the kitchen. Mingi leaned against the island while watching Yunho search his fridge.

"Do you want something?" Yunho offered, reaching for an egg.

"I'm okay, I usually just have a protein bar for breakfast."

Yunho nodded and turned to face Mingi. "Where are your frying pans?"

Mingi pointed to a cabinet near the stove, which Yunho opened and found the right pan. "What about a spatula and fork?"

Mingi walked over to one side of his kitchen, grabbing Yunho a fork from his drawer, "The spatulas are right next to the oven in the drawer."

Yunho smiled and nodded, gathering everything he needed and quickly making himself some scrambled eggs.

Mingi back hugged Yunho the whole time he was cooking. Instead of dirtying up a plate, Yunho just ate directly from the pan. Mingi smiled, watching him.

Yunho picked up a bite of egg and held his hand under it, bringing the fork by his shoulder and offering it to Mingi. Mingi gladly took it, smiling at Yunho's small gestures.

"So, like, what are we?" Yunho asked in between bites of his egg.

"I don't know, what do you want us to be?"

"I mean.. I'm not ready for a relationship, but I want to keep seeing you," Yunho commented, turning around in Mingi's arms to face him.

"Fuck buddies? Friends with benefits?" Mingi suggested.

"There's a difference?"

"Yeah totally, fuck buddies are just like someone you call when you need a hook up but friends with benefits are way more than that. Like, they hook up, but they also do couple-y stuff," explained Mingi, running a hand through his hair at the end of his sentence.

"What if I want a mix of that. Like I want to do couple-y shit but not too much so I get crazy attached."

Mingi kind of just nodded in agreement, letting go of Yunho so that he could grab the pan and fork Yunho had used and place it in his sink. He'd totally remember to wash that later.

Yunho stretched and walked back to the living room. He grabbed his discarded phone from the coffee table and sat down on the couch.

When he turned his phone on, he saw that Yeosang had messaged him eight times. That was super unlike him, Yunho was getting a little worried.

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