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Waking up in Mingi's arms had become a common thing for him by now, but each time he did he felt something different. This time, he felt all warm and fuzzy inside.

Yunho looked up and Mingi, noticing he was also awake and on his phone.

"Morning," Yunho said quietly.

Mingi diverted his attention from his phone to Yunho, pressing a kiss against his forehead, "Good morning."

"What are you looking at?" Yunho asked, scooting up so he could see Mingi's screen.

He tilted his phone to show Yunho that he was on twitter, looking at the hundreds of tweets with the photos of the pair kissing that were taken yesterday.

"Oh god, what's everyone saying?" Yunho questioned.

"Ehh, it's like a bunch of jealousy, supportive comments, and a couple people asking who you are," Mingi replied, "Someone actually recognized you from your street performances, but only a few people have seen that tweet though. They're mostly just calling you my secret lover."

Yunho nodded, laying on Mingi's shoulder. His arms snaked around his middle, Yunho trying to be as close to Mingi as possible. Mingi smiled as he looked at Yunho, petting the top of his head.

"You know," Yunho began, "I didn't know you were so possessive."

Mingi blushed as Yunho reminded him of the prior night, "Sorry."

"I liked it," Yunho assured, looking up at Mingi.

Mingi smiled a little and pecked Yunho's lips. "Are you hungry?"

"Not really," Yunho replied, cuddling into Mingi's side.

Suddenly, Yunho's phone started ringing. He groaned and got out of bed, looking for his phone in the pockets of his discarded jeans. The call was from Yeosang, so he answered and walked back to the bed.

"What's up?" Yunho asked.

"Dude, have you seen what's on twitter?" Yeosang's tone of voice was slightly panicked, worrying Yunho.

Yunho put his phone on speaker as he laid back down on Mingi's arm. "Not really, why what's on it?"

"I'll send you a link," Yeosang told, a text message with a link to a twitter thread quickly following.

Yunho opened it hesitantly, finding it to be a thread of both Yunho and Mingi's backgrounds as well as multiple photos of them together.

Yunho's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What the hell.."

Mingi, who was reading over his shoulder was also confused, reaching over and beginning to scroll.

"It's a burner account, this is the only thing they've ever posted. This is insane though, dude, how did they even get all those photos of you guys and find like your entire life?" Yeosang asked from the phone.

"This is the night we met.. behind the bar," Yunho said, looking at Mingi, "There wasn't even anyone else there?"

"I swear I didn't see anyone and the only person who knows we were making out back there was Yeosang, he didn't even know until after," Yunho continued, a worried tone in his voice.

"Do you guys think you're being like.. stalked?" Yeosang hesitantly asked.

"That's what it looks like," Mingi said, "We should probably tell my roommates so that they can watch out."

Yunho groaned, "But Jongho doesn't know I'm here and the other one is scary."

Mingi smiled, "Just tell Jong that you came over when he left."

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