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YEONJUN (switching shit up ik wild)

"Should we continue spin the bottle?" Hongjoong suggested, "We've just been slamming beers and smoking for the 7 minutes y'all were in there."

"Yeah, my turn right?" Mingi asked, everyone nodding.

Mingi leaned over and spun the can, it landed on Yeonjun. "Truth or dare?" He asked, his arm finding it's way around Yunho's waist as he leaned on him.

"Dare, don't make me regret it though."

"I dare you to text your crush and tell them you like them."

His heart dropped.

"Can I like.. do something else.. can I do like a penalty?" He stuttered out.

"No way! C'mon don't be a pussy!" Hongjoong said.


Yeonjun took a deep breath and pulled his phone out. He wasn't cruel enough to text someone other than his actual crush just so he didn't have to tell his real crush, he didn't want someone to think he liked them when he didn't.

He tapped his chat with Soobin, slowly typing out 'its you. I like you'

He took another deep breath and pressed send, throwing his phone on the table and keeping his eyes focused on his lap.

Soobin's phone dinged, his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. When he saw that it was a text message from Yeonjun his eyes widened. He opened it, realizing what it said.

Everyone just stared, slowly catching on. "Yeonjun I-" Soobin started.

"Save it. I'm gonna sit outside," He quickly said, grabbing his phone and a beer and storming out to sit on the front porch.

As he sat on the steps of the house, he popped open the beer. He brought it to his lips, feeling tears well up in his eyes. He took a huge sip, hoping it would numb whatever feeling he was feeling.

He heard the door open and someone step out, yet he didn't look back, he just kept his eyes fixed on the steps just past his knees. Someone sat next to him, he didn't want to look. As his arm went around Yeonjun's shoulders he realized that it was Soobin.

Yeonjun slowly looked up at Soobin, tears lining his foxy eyes. "You don't hate me?" He asked, his voice shaking.

"Of course I don't," Soobin replied, his free hand caressing Yeonjun's cheek. "Why do you think I chose to kiss you when I was dared to kiss someone?"

"I thought it was because we're best friends and it'd be the least awkward since we're both single.."

"You're so dumb," Soobin said softly, wiping away the small tear that was beginning to escape Yeonjun's eyes.

Yeonjun stared into Soobin's large eyes, trying to figure out what emotion was filling them. Soobin's eyes quickly flicked from Yeonjun's eyes down to his lips and back up. Yeonjun looked away, getting embarrassed.

"I like you too Yeonjun."

When Yeonjun looked at him, wanting to give him a shocked look, but Soobin just kissed him.

Well, if he wasn't in shock before he sure was now.

Regardless, he kissed him back. Soobin held his face in his hands as Yeonjun's hand went to the back of his neck.

Yeonjun pulled back after a moment, a shy smile on his lips and a rosey blush dusting his cheeks. Soobin smiled, looking into his eyes.

"Are we dating now?" Soobin asked in a teasing tone. Yeonjun just smiled widely and nodded. "Let's go back in then," Soobin said, standing up and pulling Yeonjun up with him.

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